tip to women of colour with awful experiences - never go to the cops first !!
tip to women of colour with awful experiences - never go to the cops first !!
We've finally made it to the big time, you guys. ::wipes away tear::
It's actually about ethics in science journalism.
Oh my God I would see a movie with this premise called Dear Uncle Bob.
Not to worry! There are plenty of old white people, particularly on Facebook, who have all the answers. One of them is my terrible uncle Bob, who also has a question: "What if there was a movie called DEAR BLACK PEOPLE?!?!? WHAT THEN?!?!" We've never discussed it, but I suspect he has similar concerns every February.
My husband's family is from Indiana and I just asked him what it was that made people there seem to be overtly murderous (i mean, c'mon, most stories come out of Indiana these days).
I thought there was a black woman on the album cover? Anyway, I don't understand the need for celebrities to also be educated social commentators. He writes catchy music. He's black. The two combined don't somehow mean his opinions are going to be more nuanced or articulate than any other person. Shouldn't we be…
Besides the links Steve posted, other articles Kotaku has run on people getting death threats:
Props to Jim Cook! Great artwork!
A real missed opportunity for a "Drunk in Louvre" headline.
When I came out, my mom told me:
I'm glad someone finally spoke up about this. He's been guilty of squid-shaming on multiple posts but I guess that's the sort of thing that's acceptable here at Kitchenette. I see that this so-called "blog" has no problem celebrating shrimp and other crustaceans, but when it comes time to talk about octopus, this…
You know, I'm a bit surprised that you'd just describe the octopus as "loose." I came here expecting an octopus-positive environment.
Goodell will insist that the child come in with his Dad and tell him exactly what happened.
RT @Ravens The child deeply regrets his role in the incident.
To her credit, you could tell me this all was Jeff Koons and I'd believe you.
A system is only as secure as it's most inept operator.
And for the love of all that is good and pure, STOP responding to those ridiculous Facebook "games" that say things like "To learn your perfect stripper name, post the name of your favorite gem with the name of the street you grew up on!" because congratulations, the name of the street you grew up on is an incredibly…