Previously: Starbucks hires an employee who turns out to be a racist. Gets shit on.
Previously: Starbucks hires an employee who turns out to be a racist. Gets shit on.
No good deed goes unpunished.
If this stands, I hope to see every news outlet blare “Shocking upset as 453rd-seeded player topples 5th-seeded veteran!” as she mows down her early-round opponents.
I saw ‘Hereditary’ last week at a preview screening in Toronto.
Well, you didn’t say that there would be touching!
Now, how to craft the perfect Personal Ad to find a horror-buddy who won’t speak during the movie and won’t expect any overtures of friendship from me other than as a warm body next to me while the movie plays?
Not included in video: her yelling “PUT IT IN H!”
Or maybe it’s simpler than all of that. Maybe it’s just Cross calling up someone close to Yi and asking “hey, did I piss off Charlene somehow? Did she say anything to you?”.
You forgot “logical fallacy”
CMD-W is pretty well system-wide when it comes to closing apps that use tabs (Safari, Terminal, Pages, etc.). Works great for me!
Call off the dogs for the moment... seems like the O.P. was asking their question in earnest, politely and without agenda. It’s a good opportunity to educate instead of insult (and there are some nice level-headed replies in the thread that should some light on the topic for them, so maybe they’ll walk away feeling…
That’s like being the world’s tallest midget
Hail, Dotard!
Shh, they’re strapping down Liza Minelli.
Never go full retard.
I think millennial is anyone born before 2005?
Well, they sure are full of beans!
I don’t see why getting the gauntlet away from him would have immediately solved all their problems