
From another perspective, I wonder how many of their own people NK has killed in efforts to maintain their shitty status-quo while the world stands idly by?

The most cynical part of me thinks that by finally moving the embassy to Jerusalem, DJT (or one of his overlords/minions) is *hoping* for violence to bolster his anti-Islam views.


He’s gone studio gaga.

Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill, Death Proof - present(ish) day

I sure hope a bunch of people drop comments calling the movie distasteful, tacky, etc. before they know anything about it (other than that it might have something to do with Manson, despite the one guy who actually knows what it’s about saying it’s not, really).

Step 1: CNN or any major network reports on his lack of invitation

Nerdy Work.

Mostly people who don’t want anyone from Jordan or Iran in the U.S. I’m sure the irony is lost on them, though.

When are these people going to learn that teenagers are future voters?!

Keyboard Maestro, LaunchBar and BetterTouchTool are the ones that I must have running.

I just think Ridley Scott is doing this because of money

Wahlberg does seem to live a pretty tame, good-guy life. Charity, church, family, all of that. He pointed his life in the right direction. If he were still a hard-partying, shenanigan-doin’ wild man, he might have drawn continued scrutiny.

Jesus Christ

I am an enigma


based on absolutely nothing

I meant biologically, obviously. The son of a man who had nothing to do with the child beyond conception is still his son in the strictest sense of the word ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Famously the son of Woody Allen and Mia Farrow