Jay Gee

Eesh that won't be good for your credit score. See, they get you one way or the other!

That's a nice sentiment, but JP Morgan is so big and pervasive a lot of people don't have a choice. It is too big to fail, after all.

Funny, I think banks structuring transactions in order to maximize fees is immoral and reputationally damaging. But maybe I'm just a weirdo.

Lindsay Lohan took this picture, looked at it, and decided, yeah, I'm gonna post this. If that's not proof that she has a problem I don't know what is.

This is the political reporting equivalent of CNN wondering if the Malaysian Air flight was sucked into a black hole. People want to hear about Clinton, but she's not saying anything new and the election is literally a 2 and a half years away, so we'll say the most asinine things possible just to take up airtime.

There's never been a vision as sad to see, as this of Zakia, and her Mohammed Ali.

From $255k in the red in 2011 to $39k in the red in 2012? Sounds like she's on the path to profitability to me.

Sanctus! Dominus!

All he has to do is think about Jesus or an old lady for, like 30 seconds and he should be able to stand up without anyone noticing.

Meh, Marvel did it first, and better, as usual.

Sorry, but you didn't suffer "humiliation and embarrassment" until you filled the suit, because now everyone knows how pathetic and money-grabby you are.

This quick search reveals that 99 freaking percent or women of childbearing age have used contraception. We need to stop these small but vocal minorities from doing a disservice to our children by teaching them incomplete or wrong information. If you have some kind of moral objection to these topics, you know what you

And you guys didn't have to pay $10k for these, what a bargain! (I kid, I kid. Mostly.)

Now, it is worth noting a little historical context, here: When Holmes was first elected to the state legislature in 1974, George Wallace was still governor. "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever" was just 11 years in the past, ditto the Birmingham campaign and the Selma bridge crossing.

Yeah, accuracy in my sexting life is really important. I'm always put off when the emoji I see is jaundice patient yellow instead of my own personal skin tone.

"This rumba is not a sexual dance. It's a sensual, emotional dance. Sensual is more sexy than raunchy sex,"

Hey, he's better than Matt Salinger, so he's all fine in my book.

Not sure exactly, all I know is it's bigger than one.

I like how you think.