Wait, a character named Boatwright died by drowning? Now that's good writing.
Wait, a character named Boatwright died by drowning? Now that's good writing.
So, a real life empathy box? Philip K. Dick would be proud. Or horrified. Probably horrified.
Rudd and Crean are both Australian politicians.
The problem is he has no way of knowing if the people he got in contact with were actually the midwives for sure. He could have reached, say, a midwife's disgruntled exhusband who got into her email and views this as a chance to embarrass her professionally by filling out a survey in the most outrageous way possible.
There are probably two reasons, first he thinks he's such a master manipulator that he'll be able to get away with it. Second, he views this as one more opportunity to exert his control over these women by making them sit though/possibly testify at the trial.
Anytime I see "self-reported internet survey" I try to imagine the type of people who would respond. I imagine it's 20% people trying to be helpful, 30% trolls, and 50% crazy people.
But despite the loss of her son, she added that it’s the rare parent who wouldn’t try to help out after learning about a child who was bullying. “I’d say in 75 percent of bullying cases, the parents have no clue, and are shocked when they hear about it,” she said.
They're not generally having their first kids at 31. The average age of that is about 25. Some respondents said they started acting like their mothers when they had their first kid. Others pinpointed a specific age, ranging between 30-35. Those two groups aren't necessarily related.
The truth is we've all always been like our parents, and our parents already know it. The only reason we don't realize it until adulthood is we didn't know what our parents were like as kids when we were kids. THERE'S NO ESCAPE!
Beyonce want H&M to use untouched photos. But these untouched photos are a no-go.
It is not pointless. Do you have a better method to quantify the race or gender of a multi-person act than by looking at the race or gender of its individual members? Are we calling Rage Against the Machine a man and a 'musician of color'?
Your math is fine. The author just doesn't realize that most people aren't white men.
This list of 10 artists has 15 people. 7 are women, 8 are men. 12 of the 15 are of white/European decent. You cannot look at these numbers and say this is an example of "basic bigotry" because the numbers don't support it.
When I was a high school freshmen, dressing up as a comic book character would not have gotten you in with the cheerleader crowd. Looks like I was born a generation too soon.
People have mentioned how all of those people looked different. Especially Steve Holt. The reason she gets mentioned most is she has the most jarring change of the top billed cast. And you comparing Jason Bateman to Behind the Candelabra Rob Lowe shows just how full of crap you are.
If your donut doesn't give you an hour long orgasm you're eating the wrong donuts.
"where the behavior of school officials is shaped more by perverse incentives than by educational common sense."
I didn't get a chance to watch it until last night. I was busy marathoning Arrested Development.
Yeah, I see that too. I'm 3rd in line to borrow them, but 2nd in line is kind of a slow reader, so I may just have to make a purchase. Hopefully I'll be able to take you up on that offer.
Yep, totally real. Also, the link to Vanity Fair is a link to the Barack Prom story.