I like 4 blinks, at least two of which must occur before any of my wheels leave the lane I’m in.
The first Republican debate was a lively one. Topics spanned the gauntlet of domestic issues with a few foreign…
I never cared much for the tumbler…I’m more of a Tim Burton era Batmobile/Batwing.
or “broken” if you’re feeling realistic
Wait 'till they make a Corvette!
I just saw the last episode last night. :'(
Especially because the sight one small failure and totally ignore all of the successes.
No joke. The same thing happened with the bailouts. It was Obama's decision to keep them running, but it was Bush's idea in the first place.
ill take 3 pedals over 3 sticks any day of the week
SRT-4s were a lot more obtainable to those wonderful youths with bad decision making abilities.
CP. Were it 5,500.00, I would vote NP. Honestly the desired market for brown wagons with 5 speeds is very little and his price should reflect what the market would bring not a small section of Jalops. In addition, 250k miles is a bit much to still command that kind of price. *Flamesuit on