Wow. I honestly had no idea about that. Good luck to them if any real conflict happens.
Wow. I honestly had no idea about that. Good luck to them if any real conflict happens.
You could definitely do this with dumbbells, but it will make it significantly more difficult, so adjust weights accordingly.
Yeah, I’m gonna strongly disagree with your assesment there. I’ve watched this twice now (which is more than this even deserves, but here we are). Back is flat, knees tracking straight, and I have no idea what you mean by “pulling too far back”. Are you specifically talking about the front raises? I don’t see any form…
What bad form in particular are you talking about? She’s not perfect, but I don’t see anything egregious.
This is an article I expect a follow up on as soon as the purchase happens.
Oh I’d love to know what the investigation has! I believe that and the closed discussions to follow this open session contain some juicy stuff!
Just go to his new site, it’s much better:
That’s exactly the issue. There’s just subtle implication, and heresay, and gut feelings... there’s no evidence of wrong doing, there’s not an investigation on the President, and his interactions with Comey were just awkward and odd. If there was something there, I’d be very interested. But there’s just not much of…
I think the thing I’m most irritated about is how FA has been morphed from a cool place to discuss defense and military equipment, strategy, and tactics, into what’s basically a political sounding board - of which the mothership-formerly-known-as-Gawker has many other places to post this rhetoric!
Haha it is, but I place my expectations accordingly. Like the dealer I went to was a Cadillac dealer. They’re supposed to be luxury, and if you want to be a luxury brand, you better have the service to back it up.
Eh probably. What did Tavarish get on his? Those VR4's are actually really rare if I’m not mistaken.
Ah yes, because all QB’s who can run fairly well are the same player.
Remove a zero and divide by two and you’re there
I look at it more as, did they do their job to the best of their ability?
I recently bought a car and had the dealer explain their system to me and how it can negatively affect him if it’s filled out certain ways (10 good, everything else bad). I was more than happy to help him though because he did everything and anything that I asked. But had he not told me that, I may have given some…
I’d say that’s fair, the problem and difference is that every one of those was a proxy war or with some smaller nation or faction that was not much of a threat to us or global economics.
Here’s the real question, regardless of political views, what do we do about it? No matter what side of the ailse you’re on, it should piss you off that it was even attempted, but how do we respond?
I’ll have to search, but I think it was a Jalopnik story not too terribly long ago.
I want to say some cars are now coming with warranties that now include track use as long as they aren’t modified. I believe GM has that on all their performance vehicles.
They were a fun team during the season, but they had a lot of downs too. They have so much youth so it was really about trying to get everyone on the same page, but I think it’s safe to say: they have.