Those in the US and on Andriod dont have to wait.. the .APK was not hard to find and works perfectly. Found it quite fun little time killer.
Those in the US and on Andriod dont have to wait.. the .APK was not hard to find and works perfectly. Found it quite fun little time killer.
Someone has horrible taste in PC games... wow the only 1 that deserves to be on this list is the Witcher3.
A Torchlight clone? you do realize TOrchlight was cloned from Diablo right?
me too bro.. worked with the Hornets and A-7s or 10 years at NAS Cecil. Miss it every day.. 25 years later..
Neither.. for 80k I’d buy LT2 level C7 Z51 with all the performance options (Magride bigger brakes etc.) Then Twin Turbo it..and still have change left over..
Except agasint the Fiesta STs and Focus STs those little bastards get ate up.. Love that there is a new bargian corner carver king.
We got away from those for many reasons. single engines is not a good thing when you are well out of range for a divert field for blue water ops. You would be suprised how many jets came home on 1 engine during Gulf War 1 and even during normal operations. Engine takes a bird strike or FOD hit and still is able to get…
Stealth is extremely overated. You give up WAY too much to have it.
Quite a bit. since ROE has always handcuffed us to visual range. Sidewinder/Gun range is where the kills are made these days and have been since the Cold War days.
WTF would us Squids want a POS? We have been saying for years we dont want a single engined POS for blue water ops. Just keep buying Super Hornets and retire the regular hornets. Would have been a ton cheaper.
Except for the fact they released 4 minutes of gameplay that looks identicle.. so yeh.. and they are showing it in person at E3 this year as it’s supposed to be out before the end of the year.
“Expansion” I think they are using the term a bit liberally.. 10 cars and a small batch of new achivs and bucket list does not an “expansion” make.
Also of note from an ex Navy F/-A-18C/D maintainer. The Blues always had the very oldest birds in the fleet. They were all A and B models when I was in when the rest of the fleet had moved on to C’s and D’s. they were the hand me down trash that no one else wanted any more.
Yes they did. The A-1 Skyraider. And it was very good at it’s job as well.
No issues at all.. maybe try to suck less?
bwahaha.. 22? I wish I got 22 on my Muscle car.. it is lucky to get 9 in town and 20 on the highway.. but cars like these are not about MPG they are about Smiles Per Gallon. and worth every penny.
Not really they are giving away the STs even 15s at 5- 6k off the sticker.. you can pick a fully tricked one for 25k right now.
try less than 10k.. the Fox is an Amazing candidate for a LSx Swap.. which would flat destroy a 5.slow.