Jason Pope

Not in my day they weren't any smaller.. 89-90 Med Cruise on Forrestal and we indeed had the varied Air Wing with F-14s, A-6s, A-7s, S-3s, EA-6Bs, etc..

You write like a drop out from High School in a 3rd world country. Next time you want to write a serious article drop the ghetto talk and write like an educated person.

DA is not allowed under that code.. must have been fixed now.

Not really all that true.. There are 100s of tuners out there making money on modding stangs and cobras well past stock. Saleen had many other issues.

If you're rusty, you can jump into the Combat Readiness Program before trying out true multiplayer. It's a noob-friendly environment where there are no kill cams, no post-game scoreboards, and a mixture of nameless bots and players. Anyone who racks up too high a body count gets locked out to avoid discouraging

Since when in racing does ANYONE ever tell the whole truth rofl! thats part of the fun.. "its stock" as its camming its ass off.. rofl..

Us Camaro/Chevy guys do.. and YES all Camaros are "race cars" On Saturdays..

What difference does that make? This is a RUN WHAT YOU BRUNG event.. there are no HP limits or rules. Its called KOTS for a reason. As long as the car is 100% street legal that is the only rule.

Now playing

Because they don't want to risk BREAKING it on the street? It's 100% street legal and yes we do roll racing on high HP cars down here. And the AMS cars do run all over the streets here in Houston during TX2K

+1 we have had ours for about 6 months and we love it. the rear wireless surrounds and sub were the deal maker for us. the sound is very very good all around though.

+1 we have had ours for about 6 months and we love it. the rear wireless surrounds and sub were the deal maker for

Worked on S-3Bs with VS-27 Seawolves (East Coast RAG Squadron) at NAS Cecil Field to decom. in 1994. That was a sad day. Great jet, not bad to work on and a good performer. Some of my best Navy memories are at that squadron with that aircraft.

Huh? we were talking about the guy YOU played not the villian. read the entire thread man.. they hated the "bro" you were playing. I liked him.

The 89 Missing features ( base features most of them) from the sims4.

You picked the absolute worst game of the series to check it out. I suggest you get a copy of 3 and some of the better add ons. This one even as a base game is a gutted mess.

And what kind of fucking buffoon moron gets out of his race car after an accident and runs out on the track even on a caution. Darwin took care of the issue. EVERY race briefing you re told in the event of an incident you stay in the car until the safety safari gets to you for protection.

well said.

it is suede on the ZL1 and 1LE packages. very nice. this is 100% a non issue for me and the downgrade from the switchblade keys to the straight keys and a fob is a total turn off. if they had done the push to start like the Corvette in the first place this would not even be on the table at all. Huge fail. wont be

Technology has always been different and far from the stuffy types that take those jobs you listed. this is then video game industry far from world finance. let them wear whatever they want.

Here in Houston my car is actually very slow compared to the rest of the enthusiasts down here. 1500hp UGR lambos Alphas and 1000+hp cars rule the streets down here on weekends. Houston is a car enthusiast mecca. And that won't change.

agreed my 2 year old Asus g75vw laptop plays it just fine with no issues with nearly all settings on high or ultra. It's not that demanding and seems very well optimized.