Jason Pope

The rep system works great. What happens as you gain rep you won't get cops called on you by the populace. You are recognised as a hero. Now if you go evil and bottom out rep you will have news casts and citizens trying to screw you at every turn. btw to the guy above how would they know you are the one hacking them

Pass me in that POS? at 25mph? good fucking luck keeping up with my 750hp Camaro. You can keep this shit. I will never ever give up my gear shift and steering wheel.

And there you go.. it was a NEAR miss. the pilot himself said it was very clear and close. it was a RC plane.. who has the reading comprehension issues again?

You dont pay much attention to the availability and simplicity of RC and the jagoffs the hobby is attracting now.. any moron can build a FPV bird and fly it. it is NOT rocket science like it once was. And a quick Youtube search will show 18000000 hits on morons flying well over the 400ft and line of site rules.. there

What are you talking about? The pilot of the aircraft flat said it was a SMALL model. It had to be RC. An F-4 Phantom is an enormous fighter a near miss with a full sized Phantom would have shook the living daylights out of that aircraft and everyone woulod have seen and felt it. Not to mention the fact that even if

Did you somehow miss the fact that the pilot himself said it was a VERY SMALL MODEL? have you ever seen a F-4 Phantom in real life? they are HUGE even next to an airliner. I served with F-4s and they arent exactly hard to miss they are a very VERY large fighter aircraft they dwarfed our F/A-18C Hornets when we trained

Now playing

let me just leave this here.. Lethal Racing far less money and far more car.. even as a local Hennessey blows.

Not a V6 that was the 2014 2SS/RS note the stupid plastic hood scoop. that is the new "mail slot" on the SS this year.

Rick Hendrick has to be mentioned for sure.

Those are very focused pin point systems. the world is still largely not covered by radar and tracking. the world is a bigger place than people really think when it comes to locating something. Spent 10 years in the Navy and doing search and rescue ops are very challenging even when you know pretty much where an

Youre nuts we dont do it to get laid.. most of the cosplayers I know are in long term relationships. It's about the fun of doing these events in costume and for a little while being someone you arent. I cosplay Jack Sparrow and love the kids reactions where I do it. It's a great feeling to win cosplay awards not only

You mean like the Original 3 movies? ok then.. I'm ok with that.. remember the original 3 movies were tame as hell in thier times.. Pirates of the Caribbean has much more violence than any of the Star Wars movies.

Welcome to last year. this is almost a year old. this happened January of last year.And was well reported back then. might want to do a little more research before posting.

+1 Kirk said beam me up Scotty at least a million times during the old series.

Spoken like a man that has never been boots on the ground in combat.. until you have and been pinned down by those "primitives" and watching your friends die and praying for air support.. please just STFU or thank those that go places that make your nightmares look like episodes of My Little Pony.

The Yamaha Rmax is the largest RC heli you can buy. just not in the USA.

This is not the largest by any means. it is a Vario Turbine kit and is very average.