Jason Pope

And how do you know? have you been on that 20 year voyage on the Star Ship Enterprise? Is your name James T. Kirk?

that's a small minded attitude. do you really think there are no other earth like planets in the entire cosmos?

far better even at Wondercon2013 and no shopped pics..

These are the best? we have better locally at the Ren Fest and local Comicons than most of these.

just carry a small Bluetooth travel mouse with you. that's what I do love the Pro ;)

Keyboard warrior ive been in IT longer than you have most likely been alive.

Because nexgen consoles went with crappy ATI/AMD cards that do NOT support PhysX.

We had those in BF2 and 3. was time for a new locale.

So what I am supposed to stop living? I don't understand this at all why would they give a flying fuck?

Yeh.. I bet she drives a freaking Volt. HR background really? How the hell does that qualify you to be a CEO of an AUTO COMPANY? RIP V8 muscle/sports cars.. welcome 4 bangers and more economical cars.. Most women generally just don't get it and never will. The few that do are Diamonds for sure.

You do know there are those of us that travel for a living for months at a time right?

They will I'm sure. as well we the CobraJet Limited drag race car will still be live axle just like the Copo Camaro.

The games are also using Kinect all the time as well.

Who says? as long as you have internet you can add all your video services AS CHANNELS. and let me tell you it rocks at doing that. and with SmartGlass integration on top of that it's just flawless.

Worthless to you maybe.. not to many of us.

I dont have to do any research Ive also got about 50 hours in and have YET to have an issue at all that was described in the reviews.

only problem is modern carriers need 30 knots of wind over the deck to launch and recover aircraft. this is accomplished 2 ways.. nature.. or power.. if there is no natural wind we have steam fast enough to get that 30 knots of wind over the deck.

I never even got my GD Free Sim City games.. I'd trust MS before EA any day of the week.

Who the fuck cares? Really who cares if she used multiple cultures as a blueprint?

wow the sense of entitlement is insane with this generation.