Jason Pope

That is a Walmart.. not a Bestbuy.. but very cool none the less.

rocket science it's not guys.. they were in LINE to buy their own PS4s and he came up and said put those on my tab. or he gave cash.. what difference does it make. very cool action.

me too I dont get it.. I see nothing wrong at all.

Mercury Capri the Ugly Ford Mustang. and Lincoln Cougars. never see them even at Car shows.

see these all the time down here as well. there are 2 mint ones in my parking garage even.

every day.. Tbirds are still plentiful down here in Texas. recent and old.

My Jack Sparrow in work.. I know it's not perfect but buying piece by piece.

Start8 is exactly what you are describing. 5 bucks ;)

I'm liking windows8 for gaming myself. I use Start8 to get rid of Metro completely. faster Windows7. No issues at least with recent games. some early ones were a headache.

Why is the new trend here to not give a score? Go with your gut. if it acts like a duck, walks like a duck, guess what it's a duck.. no amount of private servers and mouth breathing COD tards is going to make it any better. If it feels bad.. GIVE IT THE NEGATIVE REVIEW IT DESERVES.

Not having any crashing myself.. not at all can play all day with no issues.. this is the issue with PCs. most people just have no clue how to maintain their PCs. mem leaks.. malware.. bad drivers.. and the poor game company always takes the blame for people and their garbage ridden PCs.

Me thinks you are confusing TV/Movies with gaming...

Most of which will ALL have better versions on PC except Killzone which is a snore anyway.

Stealth Pirates.. bleh.. Pirates are not the stealthy types.. Ive hated most of the other AC games but due to the lack of Caribbean Pirate games I find myself wanting to try it.

TB is one of this industries straight shooters and far more of a reputable source than even this rag for non biased reviews.

Great.. except for the UNDOCUMENTED change.. HALF off payouts throughout the game. They literally took half the rewards away on nearly every mission. even high level missions now pay dirt.

SO dont.. use your phone to deposit.

You forget that even PSN is adopting a similar pay system.

Speak for yourself I will NEVER own another Sony device as long as I live.

580hp = 490-500 real world rear wheel hp and you can build a SS or a 1LE into a 500rwhp monster much cheaper even with replacing all the stock suspension with coilovers and the cam and other mods to get it to the same level and no heat soak with the Whipple either.