Jason Pope

Oh please do you hold a camera vertically? it would be easier to fit in 1 hand... no because people know if you do your pics CHANGE to vertical. Imagine that...

The game is great as long as you stay in missions away from the retards that want to grief everyone.

and this is why the game is retarded.. people like that.

same I hate LTS and deathmatches.. If I hit a "job" im looking for a story mission job.

um it is disabled in the car... there is no auto target.

that's about what my 2013 600hp Camaro is getting right now. heavily modded of course.

then give it away...

Then Give it away.. Ill take your share..

flat epic..

They are around. they are Black now. usually seen on I-10 Beltway area running traffic. or under overpasses running tags.

That is only true on a 100% stock engine.. and once modified the stock CAIs become a bottle neck. those articles are bullshit and have been proven false over and over by independent shops and dynos. However.. there are only a few CAIs that actually do make power. K&Ns are usually next to no increase.. But once you

only 470 hp? this is Texas.. we have Camaro SS's down here with 1500hp street legal.. Bugatti my ass.. this is home of the Texas Mile and we dont do anything small.

Now this is awesome and would be a bit extreme.. the ones above are fine.

I play female avatars usually and I don't see the issue at all. why would I want a realistic female in my game? if I wanted real I'd go outside. I want fantasy. I want my characters to be visually appealing and customizable.

All paints have OP from the factory some worse than others.

Ladies and Germs.. the future of American society right there.


Ridiculous.. we have nothing to replace it with the F-35 is a light attack this is a heavy ground attack/CAS plane. carries more ordinance on one wing than 3 F-35s can carry all together..

Their response has nothing to do with the bug.

Had this exact thing happen while I was at Best Buy with my GF.