Jason Pope

Welcome to 2006 in the Chevy world... Dual Mode has been an option on Corvettes and Camaros forever.. Why is Ford always late to the party?

The problem here isnt the cars... it’s your state... Move to Texas home of the fastest cars and speed limits in the USA.. 55.. what is it 1970? 75-85 and not very strict about that... not to mention tracks everywhere.

You call that a CAS loadout? Do you even know what CAS is? Hell our regular C model Hornets have a more impressive loadout than the POS F-35. No VERs TERs or MERs on the F35 and configured like that it has just as bad legs as the Hornets do.. and NO stealth whats the point of this overpriced POS again? Time to do a

I don’t have an issue at all with the Divsion myself. I think a large portion of the complaints are coming from the PC side of the house. On the consoles the bugs are much fewer and far between. Yes the cover glitch to farm is present but that will get fixed. I myself flat HATED and still hate Destiny, cannot get into

Sounds like someone hasnt been anywhere but playing it as a solo player game.. Dark Zone at 161+ GS becomes a skill based game. You can have good gear but Ive seen people in good gear crushed because they could not play.

The Division, Destiny stopped being fun a long time ago.

And you think that “sleeper agents” would not have tactical clothing in thier stash bag right next to that military issue automatic rifle? I’m sorry I may not be Military but tactical clothing in a warzone is not unwarranted. And you do know you can buy anything you want clothing wise from a Surplus store even if you

Not sure what zones you are playing in but every time Ive gone in we have been jumped and killed by rogues.. they run around ganking everyone expecially at extractions. And yes most of us more mature players DO NOT WANT to go rogue and be an asshat.. We want to hunt those that do and do our PVP/PVE thing on our terms.

like 100%.. most people wont extract anything but purples and golds.. it’s just not worth it. Blues are garbage and not worth the time or reward to extract. If you know the DZ and have a good team you can purple and gold out in a matter of hours.

Only problem with that is Blizzard games are never on Steama and all sales are final from battlenet.

People just arent smart enough to figure this out yet.. PC graphics and flexibility and console comfort.. Consoles are a disease weak, locked easy to use systems that keep technology stagnate Since there is little motivation to write hardware and games for anything other than the crappy old hardware that is in

Kids? Why would I waste Legos on the kids.. I’m building that myself!

Then you are not very strong in Star Wars Lore.. or are soo strong you cannot open your mind to a new story.. one or the other.. seen it 6 times now ( and read the book which gives FAR more info) and every time I still catch more.

Saber training only from Dooku.. basically just melee training. he was not ever gifted with the Force.

He is FAR more machien than man.. yes technically he is a Cyborg.. and even conceding that PER Lucas himself he is only trained in combat witha saber he is NOT a force user and never was..

A droid a MACHINE cannot be force sensitive regardless of training or programming. anyone can weild a saber. the Clone Wars series goes over this as well.

Han is not trained in melee weapons where Stormtroopers are.. read some of the new Canon books.. ie Lost Stars..

Finn was never to be the Force sensitive one.. and BTW you dont seem to know much about the real canon or EU for that matter. The light saber does not require the force to use anyone can use a lightsaber just as anyone can use a vibroblade.. the magic part of ther saber is they were BUILT using the Force for proper

That is the point he is trying to make... Rey is NOT your average Force Sensitive person.. You seem to be missing the entire point.. JJ knows the canon and even the EU most likely more than you or I. he is a super fan and knows the rules. We have barely seen cahpter 1 now.. we have 2 more to go and he has assured they

Smite is far better than both of these IMO. Thier Arena is amazing as is the ability to play all modes with bots if you want.