Destructive Tester

Were they not aware that load cell calibrators exist? You can’t tell me that removing the load cells, calibrating them, and reinstalling them wasn’t easier than this...

Insane as it sounds, I wouldn’t put it past this admin to try to take legal action against any automaker that only built cars to CA standards...

My DD will be graduating college next spring. They grow up so damn fast...

You could take the route we did. My wife recently totaled her 08 Civic and we just got a “new” car yesterday... Everyone was fine and the car took a solid hit and protected the occupants like a champ. Prior to the accident the 08 was the “newest” car of the 3 in the garage by 9 years and was expected to keep going for

They didn’t tell you that during the kid’s bext at bat the tee put one in his ear hole... Gotta enforce those unwritten rules...

I found your post, great work! If I’m honest, I’m a bit disappointed at the lack of mis-spelled, grammatically dubious, vitriolic replies...

This is beautiful trolling right here...

This amazing feat of trolling would need to be documented and shared back to this site!

I’m sure there must be at least a couple at dealers... Or does Jaguar just not even bother matching VINs during production because they know everything is going to change anyway?

To get the pee to come out of the tip, I had to squeeze the shaft repeatedly...”

Half of those are in better condition than Project POStal!

$10k for a rust free, running CJ7... NP all day. Could we do a GoFundMe to get this for David Tracy? I think Project Postal about broke him...

Yep! And I can’t wait to pass those “experiences” on to my son when he’s old enough! He’s 19mos now, I figure by two he should be ready for his first brake job...😁

This perfectly sums-up a lot of my childhood...

That was a God-damned brilliant comment!

This doesn’t have enough stars!

According to Kotaku, the Momo statue was destroyed because it was rotting and falling apart.

For the record asking “Oh, you don’t like mayo? What’s wrong with you” to a mayo hater is akin to asking “Oh, you don’t like having a horse jerked-off onto your food? What’s wrong with you?”

Somewhere I have a picture of a young me and Everett Jasmer as an event. It’s funny because I was wearing a Bigfoot shirt, but he took it in stride. When my dad apologized for the shirts, Everett said something along the lines of “no problem at all Bob’s (Chandler) a good friend...” He seemed like a really nice guy.

What was the question that had nothing to do with his trade saga? Please tell us it was something along the lines of “who the hell told you the dyed mustache that looks like a ‘Got Milk?’ ad was a good idea?”