You’ve gotta admit, “least homicidal CanAm chassis” is like saying “least painful gunshot wound”.
Still doesn’t beat Clarkson’s “How do you get so few horsepower out of a V8 ‘mowder’?”
“It didn’t work, but I don’t fault the poor guy. I’m almost intrigued by how much makeup it took just to get her down to highly above-average in bad lighting.”
It sounds like the bride was an evil genius!
Yeah, the gas mileage is comically bad but fortunately I don’t have a long commute.
It depends, in six years the only actual repair I’ve had to make was replacing the turn signal switch. I’ve had to spend thousands on repairs to newer vehicles with fewer miles. Unfortunately, it seems to be a pay now or pay later proposition for me...
Also for a true apples-to-apples comparison, my truck currently has about 160k on the clock...
It’s not quite the intent of the article, but I bought my ‘98 Tacoma in 2012 with a tick over 100k on the odo for $10k. That translates to $11,119 now. A quick check on Autotrader for similar returned only 3 real comparisons (4x4 to 4x4); a 97 w/ 212k for $5000, a 99 w/148k for $13,000, and another 97 w/246k for…
Nah, he’s nearly perfected the skill of remaining so motionless as to appear virtually invisible... That’s gotta be tough to cover.
This comment is better than people are giving credit!
This is unquestionably the correct answer!
I would definitely pay for this PPV!
Well, yeah... That just goes without saying...
And justifiably so. Kristen has a seriously scary angry Asian face*. I feared for Raf’s safety in the Porsche Cargument.
Wait, I never knew the SR-71 was made by Leyland Motors!
Actually Ford beat GM by a year (89 vs. 90). As I recall, GM got thicker restrictor plates (think carb spacers) with larger openings and some significant template allowances to compensate.
How I miss the days when you could identify a NASCAR model even without any paint or decals...
Funny, 91 was when I first started not caring about NASCAR. Ford released and raced the T-Bird and GM couldn’t compete with their brick-shaped Monte Carlos, Cutlasses, and Grand Prix of the time leading to massive rule changes to “even the competition”. Even at 12 I was like “WTF happened to win on Sunday sell on…
Oddly, so am I... It’s kind of like all of the basic, plain Jane cars from the early 20th century that made awesome street-rods. The Model T or any coupe from the 30’s or 40’s come to mind...