100% agree! Donks aren’t my thing but between the paint, chrome, and attention to detail, they can be absolute automotive art.
100% agree! Donks aren’t my thing but between the paint, chrome, and attention to detail, they can be absolute automotive art.
See, you’re limiting your thinking… They could be sitting on dry dock cradles, looking all methed-out. We are talking Florida after all, don’t they call it “local flair”?
So that’s what they’re doing with all the seized Russian yachts…
Yep, I’ve watched about all of James May’s The Reassembler episodes. I may also have been known to spend way too much time watching Chip Channel Restorations...
Ha, jokes on you... Having a 4 year old son, this song is in a frequent rotation on our car stereos. Along with every other song from the Cars movies (I particularly like the Weezer cover of You Might Think by The Cars).
The space between “the spirit of the law” and “the letter of the law” is what makes F1 interesting. I’ve always been fascinated with the creativity and gamesmanship in car design, even when the racing is about as interesting as watching paint dry. When the racing is actually good, that’s just icing on the cake...
Shit, that would barely get you noticed at the Catalina Wine Mixer...
With Kristen gone and David and Jason leaving, I don’t see much reason to come back here. I have a feeling you guys might be going the Deadspin-to-Defector route. Best of luck if I’m right and I’ll be a day 1 subscriber.
I’ve never been a fan of TGUSA either. I think the appeal of OGTG was the chemistry of the hosts and not in the structure of the show. For my money, the closest a show has come to matching that chemistry is CarTrek on YouTube of all places…
I’m always amused when some assclown decides to tailgate a car in traffic like that. I’m like “where TF are you going to go? You’re really in a rush to get 1 car length ahead?”
OK, you convinced me. I was all ready to say CP and that this was a $1500 car at best, but totally worth it if you get a winter or two out of it. Hell, with liability only, this car might save you money on insurance if you get a multicar discount (I know my old 99 Forester did in that scenario).
Hey, doing the right thing is still doing the right thing even if it’s for the wrong reasons…
It feels like the phrase “makes an effort” is really stretched to its limit there...
My sentiments exactly. A runs/drives Toyota pickup is worth at least $2500, the lack of rust bumps this to 3k-ish.
Exactly! If there were multiple unloaded firearms with multiple ammo cans full of loose rounds (ie. not in magazines) I would almost believe he got drunk and high on meth then realized “shit, I’ve gotta get rid of all this stuff!”
Let’s not forget where he takes it personally that the bad guys (Empire or First Order, doesn’t matter) we’re obviously patterned after the Nazis and that hits close to home…
It seems odd but I had a not too dissimilar problem on a motorcycle. The battery died (lights left on at a friend’s house) and I bump started it to get home. The bump start erased the correction factor for the speedometer to account for the final drive ratio (the speedo sensor was on the countershaft). Apparently the…
Just keep driving it another quarter million miles or so…
The car’s target demographic isn’t quite sold on those “newfangled compact disks”…
She totally got screwed, they never should have let those lapped cars throu… Wait, what were we talking about again?