Destructive Tester

This mirrors my thinking. If there is a known issue with OEM parts of a certain make or model, why in the hell would you replace with a known questionable part even if its OEM? Now if its a part that failed well beyond a reasonable expected lifespan, it may be worth it.

Sorry, I quit reading when he described the NIT.

I’m kinda shocked James Harrison didn’t rip that down last night...

I’ve gotta admit that I’m a little disappointed... This post is 12 minutes old and doesn’t contain “UPDATE: I just bought it!!!”.

I honestly don’t know which is worse; that a video of a Bills fan setting himself on fire by slamming through a flaming table exists, or that you have to be specific about which one you’re talking about...

Well those are all good points and I really can’t argue with any of them (although I’m sure someone who can will be along shortly, this is the internet after all)...

I’ve been meaning to ask a Canadian, exactly how in the hell can you guys afford to drink like you do? (I’ve met more than a few camping and, holy shit, respect!) You’d have to spend the equivalent of a mortgage payment for booze to get that kind of tolerance...

Now playing

I’ll admit, i’ve made a conscious effort to call it an “engine” since this:

No, the current President has never shown any tendencies to hold rediculous grudges and would never seek such petty rev... FUCK! I almost got it typed without cracking-up...

I honestly wish I could give you more stars than one for each of your comments. This one best describes just how much the anti-kneeling/arm-locking/ not standing on the sideline crowd don’t “get it”...

For worst hungover jobs I’d like to submit flight attendant. Think about it; you’re already dealing with being hungover, you have to deal with turbulence and general movement (yes, the floor feels like it’s moving BECAUSE IT IS!), you have to deal with being hungover at varying altitude (anyone whose flown with a

“Because off-road race truck brah...”

“Having someone who doesn’t handle a car without bumping into things drive a Liberty scares me.” But I thought that described like 90% of Liberty drivers anyway...

I’ve spent the last day trying to figure-out how Land Rover managed to engineer an acceptable number of electrical faults (all of them) into a freaking stroller...

Ah, so you took Fight Club to heart...

The molecular bond part only applies when the duct tape is stuck to itself...

I once picked-up a rental car with 2.5 miles on the odometer and proceeded to drive it 12 hours on the highway at a constant speed/rpm... Most of that was using cruise control.

Sweet Christmas! That looked like any number of ill-advised GTA5 jump attempts.

Judging by your name you’re going to be busy making headlines over the next few days...