Destructive Tester

I have a Subaru question for you. Does yours by chance have a “cold weather package”? My ‘99 Forester does and there’s a coolant line off the thermostat housing to the oil filter. I’m assuming it is an oil heater to transfer some of the water temp to the oil. Do the newer ones have something like this?

This deserves more stars than it has.

No problem.

In controlled cases, yes the rider can control the attitude of the bike with throttle/brake inputs. In this case it’s so abrupt and unexpected that the rider is hopelessly out of position (if he’s even doing anything more than holding on for life) and the biggest panic rev isn’t going to come close to correcting it.

I’ve been in the same boat only mine was on a moderate table and I got to the downside (I was pretty-much bucked straight over the bars). The thing that’s hardest to explain is how it feels like the front wheel is pulled down and back right at takeoff. We always joke about how fast your mind can calculate your

Wrong sport, this is racing not freestyle. He caught a square-edge in one of the ruts on the takeoff. This both kicked the rear-end up and robbed him of forward momentum. When he jumped off the bike, he was desperately trying to get his body to clear the face of the landing jump.

Thanks, I was about to ask the question you just answered.

“then there is no reason for him to pull out like that.”

A couple years ago I build myself a lefty replica out of an ‘89 Am Std. Unfortunately it has a 2-pt trem (I actually like it more than the 6-pt but it’s not correct). I did replace the block style saddles with vintage stamped ones though. I even wired-in the toggle to simulate the 2 and 4 positions on a modern pup

Granted, it’s not a historic artifact (to most people) but this reminds me of what happened to David Gilmour’s Black Strat (of Dark Side of the Moon fame) when it was displayed in the Dallas Hard Rock Cafe for about 8 months. It was returned heavily damaged and missing all of the hardware that could be removed. People

As much as I want to tell you to go to hell and die for saying that, you’re not wrong...

Yeah, you’ve gotta love the “Safety 4th!” mindset that had to go into a lot of those designs.

Oh my God, those pictures bring back some memories! There’s no way to describe that era of tractor pulling without using the phrase “gloriously batshit-insane”. There really isn’t any way to describe it to someone who never experienced it.

Now a sexy carting pic! I’d hate to imagine what kind of things pop-up in your search history...

“what we need is a full-contact karting course! bumper-car antics at shifter-kart speed!”

Don’t feel bad. Of our three vehicles; one is left fill with an arrow, the second is right fill with no arrow, and the third is left fill with no arrow BECAUSE F@CK YOU THATS WHY!

I’m guessing it’s referring to “having sex in a fairly uncomfortable place”...

FWIW, you posted this while I was typing my reply. It looks like we’re in agreement.

As with everything else involving personal finance, it depends... In my case (and I am using the snowball method to pay-off debt) my debt would pe paid-off in about the same amount of time as your method but with the benefit of greater financial flexibility sooner in the extent of a minor setback (which can and do