
If the men you date “are the worst” is it possible that you have been the problems in these occasion. We are not all bad. Plus this comment makes it sound like you just want to be carefree and many more women can identify to that. As a man WHO HAS NO PROBLEM ATTRACTING WOMEN I have dated bisexual and even self

Dancing Panda? Is the NSA a bunch of 12 year olds?

I’m not sure that is a valid argument, since the American Civil War sure didn’t slow down manifest destiny very much if at all.

Normally I’d say maybe you can’t read, but you clearly read my comment. So I’ll go with you’re just stupid.

Well put. But “ It was an undesirable side effect of something absolutely necessary: destroying the Old South politically.” Is essentially arguing two sides of the same coin. If I want to destroy a middle eastern oil wealthy nation politically I may say I’m fighting for free elections, when in fact I’m destroying that

First of all as a third generation Italian immigrant, I have no dog in this fight. But I am an educated southerner who is sick of northerns carrying on about how they “fought tyranny to free slaves.” If you think the American Civil War was simply a humanitarian to right a civil injustice then the war in Iraq was about

Can’t tell if troll...

He doesn't. All of this is fake.

Lol. No.

Hear that? That's the sound of something flying over your head.

That one went way over your head...

Then is the slide part of the prayer? I mean if so that is awesome... I'm imagine Muslims sliding every where to give thanks and it's wonderful. These celebration rules are stupid anyway. Why is the NFL trying to pretend it's not a circus.

Wrong article. Try again.

Word. Thank you for this post.

Well...in about 9 years just don't bring a black light in there and you'll be fine. ;)

Brilliant. I give you all the internets today!