
Your ideology is filled with so much hate you can’t help but to also tear at those who stand next to you. 

I never knew this about myself. Thanks for the update.

Watching you fight over who isn’t more woke is great.

Yes. Humans and spiders. You may torture everything else is what he was saying.

So many things I want to say...and you are probably right about “blacklisting” thing...but can you see why THAT is more dangerous than the problem? Forcing people to agree with you or threatening that you will label them racist is truly fascistic and will lead to increasingly dire conflicts

You are extremely racist...

He was running from a crime scene where the police ordered everyone down to the ground. They were detaining everyone in the area until they could determine what happened. Eye witness reports including media confirmed this. Not saying Mr. Bennett couldn’t have a valid reason for wanting to evade an area where shots

Like the adjustments of recent models to reflect the true nature of climate change rather than the fake on the data sets present? I’m not saying the climate isn’t changing. I am saying that there seems to be a conflict of interest when grants are tied to the generation of models that reflect one narrative over

Didn’t read the article did you? Cool though. Any more hot takes from the armchair scientist?


Glad your grasp of history matches your ability to produce logic.

Put your shovel down, you've dug far enough.

They aren't. But thanks for the ignorant commentary

Some of the most corrupt politicians in history for sure. But exactly who is going to go in the boonies of Louisiana and fix infrastructure to save thousands of dollars in property damage at the expense of billions of tax dollars...these are the same people who get hit by a tornado every year and we all cry for them...

Jindal wasn’t a bad governor. He made hard choices that had hard consequences. The state was so far in the red, drastic choices had to be made.

You're an idiot. Congrats.

Oh please tell me where I can find details on this...O M G you already put it on the bottom of your post for my convenience!! Stand in the unemployment line I shall no longer!

Oh please tell me where I can find details on this...O M G you already put it on the bottom of your post for my

My girlfriend was disgusted and in disbelief to find out that a website like Ashley Madison exist. I think it’s funny it turned out to be pretty useless at anything other than draining, by in large, sleazy men of their money. I’ve never been married to anyone, but while I try to reserve judgment I simply find myself

Is he okay with you sleeping with another man? If he says he is than you are either married to a sociopath, a liar, or someone with a serious self-image dismorphia issue...

It is subconscious...