
It's a scene from Secretary. You should watch that one too!

No, she's just saying he's aged. Haven't we all. Also, the pornish looking photo posted is from a movie called Secretary that he was also in. I never saw it but others here said it was good.

OH GOD YES. Also Crash, which is possibly EVEN MORE FUCKED UP than Secretary.

I just rented this on amazon four days ago! I was pissed because the mouths moving were way off sync with the dialog, but I had already committed.

thank you for the reminder. now i want james spanking me.

A great location for a new Assassins Creed.

The Noah ark story really is The Island to the Utnapashtim ark story's Parts: The Clonus Horror when you think about it.

try /r/forwardsfromgrandma

Universities generally operate much more like small towns than like individual places- including their own justice systems. They also often encourage students to report crimes through university channels instead of the police- if they're going to actively discourage students from going to the city police, they need to

Be even more specific, call them what they are — anti-abortion forced pregnancy advocates.

I am in rabid disagreement with this post.

I'm going to say this the only way I know how (spoilers ahead):

I'm personally hoping for some Loras/Oberyn/Ellaria 3-way action. Oberyn is hinted at being bisexual in the book, and honestly Loras needs some action after having his man backstabbed in season 2 and hooking up with a spy in season 3. (And let's be honest- a Martell/Tyrell hatefuck would be pretty damn hot.)

Alas, if

I love this shot because you can see just how much muscle dancers have. So often people are like, "oh ballerinas are so dainty, so tiny, they're so fragile" No! This is what a dancer muscle looks like under the tights. It's awesome.

Oh my god, you is a warwelf?

So true. In our district (one in the Bay Area that is well-known for its lunch/gardening programs), my kids have "lunch cards" that automatically recharge when the balance drops below a set amount. But that system does not always work. So every once in a while, I get an email - and one of my kids is told - that there

My mom's a lunch lady for a school in Utah, and the district absolutely pressures her to pull this kind of shit. They call the parents, send notes home, and give the students a few days warning. Still, if their parents are flat broke and/or don't speak English, this kind of stuff happens. My mom doesn't give a fuck,

Cue the evangelical community saying the song was knocked out of the running for an Oscar because of the oppression of christians by the evil liberal media in 3..2..1...