
"To everything there is a season (turn turn turn),


Now playing

"I am Elmer J.Fudd, millionaire. I own a mansion and a yacht."

Omg. I thought for a second you were going to say you're one of them breatharian weirdos.

of you could get this exact same tent (or even better) from Panther Primitives. Their Marquee tent in 12' x 18' will run you just under $2,000, add bells and whistles and come in at $2,500. That is for one seriously nice tent. http://www.pantherprimitives.com/medieval.html

I'm a massive nerd who works as a reenactor at several local Ren Faires. This is our new pavillion. It's about three times as big as the Anthropologie version and comes with a lot less bohemian hipster crystal-gazing ennui.

Or you could get an 18th c reproduction for 900 dollars.

Not shakin' your money maker? Oh you better believe that's a paddlin.

"they knew what they signed up for" doesn't mean the employer can get away with paying less than minimum wage with no overtime, making them work over 8 hours with no meal breaks, paying them less than twice a month, etc.

Because while benevolent sexism does benefit us, it isn't (at least I think) as damaging as male privilege. Rape and victim blaming and all that other shit disproportionately affects women negatively, while generally being considered having to pay for the whole date sucks, but its not your well being. The draft is a

Pretty sure he ended up crucified actually

Likewise, mine is not bad at all compared to the reigns of terror and vileness (now a word) others have been subjected to but I was psyched to see this thread because I've held it in for a couple of years now. I met a guy on OKC about 5 years ago. Said he was single, blah blah blah, a firefighter, had 3 kids - 2 older

I completely understand. I was recently contacted by a guy I dated in the late '80s-early '90s with random psychotic messages. I made 2 brief replies then blocked him. Two mutual FB friends gave me a heads-up that he immediately posted a screen grab of the conversation and then proceeded to post follow-up rants about

This is kind of weird but I'll share it anyway. I've always been very open about my body and never really tried to hide it. Some people think that I might be a little too open about it but whatever, it's my body. Well, one time a website offered five figures for unaltered pictures of my body and then they made a post

Also, from the early 1900s through 1940s, Pickaninnies and watermelon were popular on southern postcards, in advertising, etc etc. This google image search will give you a quick intro. I think it is based around the idea that watermelon was grown by slaves and then sharecroppers in the small patches available for

I don't eat whole slices of watermelon because of it's racist stereotype and watermelon is delicious as hell. Racism fucks you up; I don't eat watermelon or fried chicken in front of white people and the whole fried chicken/watermelon thing isn't even a stereotype in the UK. I'm from the US and that stuff just doesn't

You're not the first person to ask this question. There is an entire Wikipedia page dedicated to this topic. It puts it pretty succinctly: Watermelons have been viewed as a major symbol in the iconography of racism in the United States since as early as the nineteenth century. The fact watermelon is also fucking

Kenan Thompson's first bit on next week's Saturday Night Live just wrote itself.

Couldn't they have come up with a better name for their plan?