
No; it means 'to slow.' Like flame retardant, or retarding dough. Words mean things ... just not the things you think they mean.

No. I'm hearing and speaking impaired. I've been involved in the community for most of my life. These people are assholes for complaining.

"Dumb" in this context just means "silent," as it does in "dumbwaiter."

"Dumb" just means silent. Like "dumbwaiter."

For years in my hometown the the theater had $2 Tuesdays. That was probably peak movie attendance time for me. I rarely go now and mostly go see films as a treat for my 4 year old. the ones I like I just stream, so much cheaper, and I can stop it and start it back up again, not to mention also use my phone without

That's going to make for some awkward shoots...

It doesn't and I find your desire to take the high road angle dull as hell

It was supposed to be a slipper.


Thank you again for writing about this Madeleine. Let me just say that it is so fucking dope to read the amazing comments here and see how much people support calling out fuckboys who drop verbal fartbombs on innocent people. I really hope that the woman was the recipient of his unfortunate stank is reading this and

The show's called Total Riff Off, and they'll be doing riffs of Man vs Monster, like the Demon Bat and Aggro Mantis Shrimp. You can see the 7 titles they'll be riffing over at the Nat Geo website here. Hopefully this means there'll be more in the future, but at least I'll be happy for a day.

I agree with all that. Plus, when you're building, you want a lot of pieces. GoldieBlox has very few. If you were to lose even one, you would be considerably hindered as to what you could build. I can't put my finger on exactly why this felt very sexist to me, but it did. Maybe it's because, as a girl who was kind of

part of the problem is that they are still "products for girls." They may not be dolls, but they are still in the pink ghetto.

It's really too bad that GoldieBlox toys are so stupid. They aren't well made, they're not particularly fun, and they have no "replay" appeal. The commercials are far more clever than the actual products.

As a mom of someone who has Autism this pisses me off. If my child was sending crap like this, he would face my WRATH and would not be given access to the internet till he could act correctly. Also Autism doesn't cause you to do crap like this, being a dick does.