
Narcissistic Personality Disorder is real, people!

Yeah, but you could argue that Lichtenstein's work was transformative in the way he decontextualized the original work, blew up individual panels, drew attention to specific elements like zip-a-tone shading, etc.

Now playing

Are you out of your mind??? Fresno is not a small town. It is huge and it's pretty much the meth capital of CA. Also it's like 103F for weeks at a time. If you're not from CA you might think that sounds nice but it's about 4hrs from any body of water so it is a dry desert of pain. Also, "agriculture as far as they eye

Wtf... The entire economy there is dependent in methamphetamine and raisins, ffs! (And the master of the warr guitar, suitably named Brian Fresno.) I just... Can't...

Greetings from The Humungus! The Lord Humungus! The Warrior of the Wasteland! The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla! An ordained minister of the Universal Life Church!

Godzilla's kid—Minilla (aka Minya).

Maybe they should have thought out the plan to piss off both non-rednecks (with stupid statements) and actual rednecks (with stereotyping) at the same time. That just doesn't seem like an option for long term success, unless they are betting on people watching just to be outraged — like Jerry Springer or Fox news.

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The Lathe of Heaven (the good version, Ursula K. LeGuin)


Quick! MST3K revival with Youtube videos before they all get copyright flagged!

It's so strange to me that these guys who are obsessed with the idea of women taking their money also insist on marrying women with no jobs or skills who will be forced to be dependent on them and their money. If you're so worried about her picking your pocket, marry a woman who has money in her own pockets. Of course


I wonder how much of a correlation there is between hazing and sexual assault rates in an organization. It certainly trains people to ignore and laugh at abuse.

Yunoliek Ludo?

"To join a fraternity (or sorority, for that matter) in this day and age without acknowledging the decades of pain and suffering the institutions have caused is to basically admit you haven't done your research"

Zombies, boobs, bad English dubbing of Italian dialogue, and a C-130. Where's Joe Bob Briggs when you need him?