
No she doesn't. The article says she already turned her cable off because she couldn't afford it. And it doesn't say anything about a computer. In the small working-class town on the Oklahoma/Kansas border where many of my family members live, many people go to the town library to use the internet/post of Facebook.

It is an absolute travesty that Gary Oldman (55) is not on this list. I mean, come on. His name is Gary OLD MAN. And he is my lover.

Iain Glen (age 52)

My Boyfriend Jason Isaacs just turned 50 this year. He's older than me so he qualifies, oh yes he does.

the long goodbye and miller's crossing, not to mention i'm gonna git you sucka

CROSS STITCH APPRECIATION COMMENT. A couple gifts I'm giving are nerdy cross stitch projects. :D

Is that... DANGER MOUSE??

"(Probably the same people who thought Dark Shadows still had a huge fanbase.) Dark Shadows does have a substantial fanbase. All were hoping for darkness from Burton (ala his Sleepy Hollow). None of them wanted to see a campy comedy.

This is ridiculous. He's saying if you were in a black neighborhood, Lasonia could be a girl's name, but in an italian restaurant you would be referring to the food and thus it would be Lasagna. The "black people are stupid" is something you've read into it yourself and is not the point of the joke. He removed the

I'm baffled by the number of people who think the joke is 'ha, black people are dumb and can't spell.' He's making fun of ghetto names.

Nope, it's a variation on a reallllly old racist joke trope about a black woman naming her daughter "Vagina" or some such.

You have every right to celebrate Christmas in your own way, with your family. You should have started doing this years ago. :)

Well there's your problem. Dating you is likely to put his job in jeopardy. Not cool of you to do that to him- you should have waited until you were done with the class and/or that school.

Anyone else sick of dealing with friends who forget you exist until they're single/sad/in need of cheering up? Lately, I feel like I've just been used as a crutch for people to lean on until they're happy again, and then they fade into the distance. Then it repeats all over again. Of course, when I'm going through a

So, Oddly enough I used to be the storage director for a moving company. An old woman who passed and didn't pay to bring her goods out of storage was up for auction. Her 4 daughters asked if they could take personal Items like pictures and papers etc. I agreed to this, I am not a ruthless cold hearted prick all the

Oddly enough, that's actually the most Johnny Depp looking Johnny Depp in years.

I'm sorry that you have first hand experience with this topic. I agree that those who still support these artists/abusers are not necessarily bad people. I also think that it's far too easy to distance ourselves from wrongdoing in the disguise of entertainment. Is a 2 minute song more valuable than a young woman's

I think once you know the context then you should make an informed decision about supporting that artist. This isn't someone who just shoplifted nail polish, he engaged remarkably awful behavior, behavior which is even part of his artistic schtick.