
I saw some of the first promos for The Island at that year's San Diego Comic Con. The roomful of geeks ALL knew it was Parts: The Clonus Horror with a makeover. The jokes flew for a bit and then it was forgotten until the lawsuit. How they ever thought they could get away with showing it at SDCC I can't imagine.

All you MSTies who saw promos for The Island and realized that Clonus was totally ripped off, unite behind my banner!

Difficult childhood (I believe his Dad was a drug-dealer and addicted to meth at one point) combined with being a child star. Transformers made him the butt of jokes, despite having some love from the big critics for his indie work. He probably has a very thin skin, too. I could see how that could all manifest

Just in case anyone reading is in the same situation. There is help to get out. The national trafficking tip line (which is the crime that was committed against this nanny) is 1-888-373-7888.

I like it, it teaches you about red lining and economic inequality. I'd love to play this.

Domestic rights still have a long way to go. It's completelty unfair to target one person, a foreign national, when the majority of Americans neither pay their domestics a living wage nor pay them on the books either. It's a hidden epidemic in this country.

"Living in" is not "pay" in this country. The only thing

And yet, they see the behavior of its more vocally insane members, and do nothing to distance themselves. Silence is assent.

Nope. I am and was aware that everyone of them is a Scientologist.

I understand that the list of books I take out at the library and my debit card transactions aren't exactly private either, but I'd still take a very dim view of that information being disseminated to the public by the courts.

I hope the rest of you read this and took it to heart.

I once shared an elevator with Kevin Sorbo. The building had a lot of floors and he struck up a conversation with me so we talked for a few minutes. The man is absolutely delightful and has a wicked sense of humour. Why wouldn't someone want him in their film?

See Ontario, 2010. And no, the national igloo did not melt.

Not to be bitter and cynical-but that is my forte- but perhaps being greedy, soulless bastards would let that crown rest a bit easier on your worthless, swollen heads. Stay cozy, swine, because you can't grow food or water in those towers. It's why going galt doesn't work, none of y'all have practical abilities.

If there is a more appropriate metaphor for today's Russia than a giant Louis Vuitton trunk larger than Lenin's tomb sitting in the middle of Red Square, then I do not know of it.

Hey, that's me! At last I'm going to be available on DVD, as it should be. I've waited a long time for this. Also looking forward to the Turkey Day Marathon on 6 episodes: 3 Joel & 3 Mike and all MSTie goodness.

Obligatory Joe Don GIF. ("You watch Joe Don Baker movies?")

I concur that it wasn't a parody per se, but the Beasties have noted that much of the themes on Licensed to Ill were intended to be ironic, and that's obvious from their outlandish videos. Those were parodies of bro culture before bro culture even had a name. It's not like the Beasties were originally mega-misogynists

"Mitchell! Heart pounding! Mitchell! Veins clogging! MITCHEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLL!"