
Neither the book or the movie push his political ideals

Actually, not going to see the movie will harm him financially as he is one of the producers of the flick. They didn't just buy his story from him and now it's out of his hands. He stands to gain or lose a lot monetarily depending on how the film does at the box office.

"Don't let Rick Berman any where near it."

So, maybe something a bit more like this?

Try reading it this way:

Well, there's only one lady Smurf for all those guy Smurfs. Someone's got to be related, right?

Oh no, I totally agree with you. I was just pointing out that we don't put the expectation of gifts on guests not just so poor people don't feel like crap. We just don't put the expectation of gifts on guests period.

Yes, everything you're describing, the housewares at the shower, envelope or cash at the wedding, the white "gift" bag of the bride, and pinning cash on the bride (usually at a dance) is a cultural norm. My problem with your statements are that you seem to think it's an United States cultural norm when in fact it's a

Oh, is that the one where I invite you to my birthday dinner at Swanky Restaurant du Jour and then order the biggest, fattest entree and drinks I can, all while sweetly pretending to not realize that my oh-so-awesome friends are just about to offer to pay for my meal? "Oh, you guys! Who knew?"

It's definitely not a rich person thing. It's a Real Housewives, reality-show watching, self-obssessed, spoiled brat thing, and that often includes not just the bride but the mother of the bride as well. These middle income people have become crazed with trying to mimic the lifestyles of the Kardashians or anyone else

Poor guests or rich, it doesn't matter. No one, even Warren Buffett should have demands put on them to even bring a gift at all, let alone one of a certain value. It doesn't have anything to do with what guests can and cannot afford. Your GUEST is just that, a guest, invited by you to your celebration.

No, she's not. It has never been, even in the North East, an equivalent exchange. The social elite of either coast would be aghast at the idea of asking, let alone requiring, their guests to pay for attending their weddings. Do you actually think Chelsea Clinton demanded or received cash gifts equivalent to the price

Nope, that's Schlitzie from Tod Browning's Freaks, to which Pepper is also an homage. Pictured next to Schlitzie is "Half-Boy" Johnny Eck also from Freaks.

Same quake had the Cypress Structure (I-580) upper deck section pancake onto the lower, killing 42. Not caught on film, but there were hours of rescue footage shown on the news.

Gregory's Girl is a fantastic flick. You'll find it on lists of the best British movies. Shame they chose that terrible photo for the thumbnail. They should've stuck with the original poster or box art. That being said, anyone who's looking for dreck like Blubberella and picks Gregory's Girl is going to be sorely

Greaser's Palace, starring Allan Arbus, Toni Basil, and Herve Villachaize in an "absurdist, incomprehensible Western that mixes in scatology, William Morris agents and the second coming of Christ" according to one of the many critical reviews.

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Agreed. And this looks a helluva lot more fun

It's not just body products and automobiles that are being gender marketed anymore. There's dozens of gendered products out there like Kleenex, cereal, and asthma inhalers. Check out Sociological Images page on Pointlessly Gendered Products for an eye-opening look at how often gendered products are being marketed to

More glam rock Faustian dramedy with a splash of Phantom mixed in.