
Love love love this movie

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You could always watch Bugsy Malone while you wait. Kids + speakeasies + Hoochie Coochie dancers + gangland slayings. What more could you ask for?

Joel. Defense Exhibit A. Mitchell

I would love it if there were an entire boxed set (outside of what's available pirated). Unfortunately I think it's unworkable due to the fact they have to relicense each of the movies they riffed to release their episodes on DVD. A lot of the early ones done on Rhino have already had their licenses expire. It will be

Cav-e Dwellers is such a family favorite around here we named our 2nd kid after it. "How much baby do you get with this kid? Miles O'baby"

Shout Factory only started making the MST3K boxed sets at the 20th Anniversary Set (aka set XIII) and has just announced set XXVII. Sets 1 - 12 were released by Rhino and quite a few of them have had their licensing run out, so they're going for quite a bit of money on eBay now. You can see all of the Shout sets at htt

This may happen at SDCC to a point (see the Badvertising/Radvertising post) but most of those cosplayers pictured above are not paid models. I know quite a few of the people pictured (Hi Amanda!) and it's a labor of love and point of pride as to the level of quality of their costumes. SDCC is a big deal for cosplayers

No, not The Surprise. This thing is the legit Star of India, built in 1863, and is the world's oldest active sailing ship. And that person setting off the cannons is one awesome chick. She knows her way around historical weapons like you wouldn't believe.

It's like they took the Family Guy joke too seriously. Bad call, Ripley.

Looks like we need to reset the counter again:

The Peg!! I hope to visit there someday to watch Phantom and drink as many different Slurpee flavors as I can.

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Not the most demented movie of the 70's, but one of the best. I love early over-the-top DePalma

But...but... This is the episode that has the silliest line in the whole show. Spock walks down the corridor past Lokai preaching to the crew about his cause, when Spock overhears him say "You must think me a volcanic hothead, ERUPTING LAVA FROM MY NOSTRILS". Yep, that's some revolutionary talk right there kids.

Yeah, I was wondering when Cyclecide opened up a Myanmar branch office. Their carnival rides are ridiculously fun. Common sense be damned!

Crowd funding your new hipster hobo music video is the new way to publicize that you even have a hipster hobo music video. They don't care about the money, they care about the PR. It got them this article, and it'll get them coverage when they release it as well. Look out for more rich b-listers to hop on Kickstarter

I've also known about Teds a long time, since at least the 80's. They were heavily featured in the 1986 movie Absolute Beginners (big riot dance off at the end). The forgotten part of these pics is that they were taken by director Ken Russell. Ken talked about his photos in the Observer back in 2010 http://www.guardian

Most of these projects are from 2007 or earlier and well covered on the internet since. How about a look at some other amazing spaces like the Crossness Pumping Station in the UK? Talk about steampunk inspiration! This Flickr users photoset of it is amazing http://www.flickr.com/photos/nathusi…