
How many sets of batteries has this guy gone through.

Will be applying tonight or tomorrow, just putting the final touches on my cover letter now!

Now just incorporate this idea with the one mentioned above, and we will have solved world hunger.

What's flash.

Forever alone picture > forever alone comment.

None of my friends are on path, but I still love using it. With no friends it actually makes a fairly robust/supped up personal journal for you to put down daily thoughts...record sleep schedule...the status's you want to post without people seeing...

That's totally a 19.95 idea.

Do you guys take summer interns for college students?

The OS looks like an interesting blend of WP7( the square-ish UI) and iOS (based on the tabs at the bottom of the screen).

Is it just me or did BB just jump from like 7 to 10 on their OS. Or is the 10 simply referring to the phone.

Now I feel stupid. Haha thanks for pointing that out.

Ah you are right, I just never really noticed that styling under the taillights and for some reason the back-to-front profile looked different. Its such a unique car but you only ever see it from the front.

Anyone got a lock on that car in the image? My first thought was Audi R8 but thats definitely wrong upon closer examination. Just curious.

only one thing should bear that name...

Awesome video, my grandfather flew these in WWII. I remember seeing countless pictures as a kid of this plan with my grandfather and his crew next to it. Always thought it was such a beautiful plane. To this day I still remember his story about having to ditch his plane, the joe ghost, in a haystack one foggy evening

Shut it down. Love that song.

Isn't this built in natively to iOS5? I know it is in the messaging app at least.

That's what she said.

Agreed with the Kindle Fire comment.