

Can I buy a ride on prime yet?

Going a little more in depth on my comment - I have actually owned all three surface pro's. The hardware and price is spot on. But then I just get fed up with Windows that I end up selling it. I hacked OSX and Ubuntu onto both the Surface Pro 1 and 2. But I have yet to hear from anyone who has done that and been able

New MacBook:

Oh hey. I ride that train every day. We should be friends.

I'll give it a shot! Thanks.

The IE app locks up, or the Google app (which is even worse) needs to be force closed - depending on which I'm using at the time.

I wish I could use the surface for productivity. But it's so glitchy and finicky that even a google search fails 30-50% of the time. I don't know how a normal consumer deals with them. I'm a software engineer and can put up with it's quirks.

I can't do anything productive on my Surface or iPad. The surface is used for handwriting and notes. The iPad for quick entertainment, media, and looking things up. And then I carry a 13" MB Air for everything else.

I'm a sucker for a good stylus. The surface pro's stylus plus OneNote is unbeatable. but the rest of it is horrific. The apps and the OS are terrible. I'm just lucky enough to have enough money to buy a tablet to use strictly to for handwriting. I always carry the Surface Pro 2 and an iPad Mini Retina in my backpack

I have several iPads, and swear by them for many tasks day to day. However, I also have had both the surface pro 1 and 2. While these are absolutely terrible devices in everything except build quality, their split window multitasking is absolute genius. The gesture system works very intuitively and is something I miss

"Buzzfeed has an excellent feature"

Clearly none of you are college students. My roommates and I order everything on Prime. Some of my favorite examples:

So if you're a thief, all you have to do is cover the solar cells on the sensor closest to the base station. and then wait a few days until it dies. Thus cutting off all the rest of the window sensors (because they are connected in a node network).

I wear Oakley O ROKR PRO's when I'm cycling. Works perfectly - lets you listen to whatever you want and know when a call comes in. This would be awesome for riding new routes!

I could be wrong, but I don't think your eyes are capable of lying to your brain. You brain is what processes the image, which stays static from your eyes. Someone please correct me if I am wrong. It's very interesting to think about.

Different styles of their polos retail for different amounts. Last time I got one, the check on the buttons was 98$ and the check under the color was 150$. So he may not have overpaid, just depends on the style. I'm guilty of buying these a few times, so I'll join you with the idiot title.

If Apple had awful customer service and repair techs, then yes, I would care. However, that is not the case in my own personal experience. So I would have no problem picking one of these up.

Haha exactly what I was thinking when I read it. I don't think I ever saw an email from Steve longer than one sentence.

My thoughts exactly. We are always wondering if anyone shut off the oven...