Does this mean the Saints Row games and Red Faction games are in the same Universe again?
Does this mean the Saints Row games and Red Faction games are in the same Universe again?
yes, and it’s the exact same camera that has been in Wii remotes for the past 13 years.
Newsflash: not everyone obsesses over Donald Trump 24 hours a day
Go fuck yourself, Sam.... Your shitty politics are showing.
Really struggling to figure out what the point of this “article” is.
Quote from the game’s wiki, since any mention to Soul Edge has been forgotten :’-(
that’s the plot of the movie Summer Wars.
Marufuku Co., Ltd. was a sales and marketing operation. The reason why the kanji “fuku” (福) “luck” is all over this building in circles is because “maru” means “circle” in Japanese.
I’m confused. this this Yu-Gi-Oh! or Duel Masters. you claim it’s Duel Master but the images makes multiple references to Yu-Gi-Oh!. the card game in Yu-Gi-Oh! is called Duel Monsters.
Yuji Naka hasn’t worked on a Sonic game since Shadow the Hedgehog in 2005.
Super already got English dubbed. Toonami is up to the Future Trunks saga.
good thing I waited. ^_^
but why isn’t he voiced by Ryan Reynolds in the video game!?
but will it have an easy mode?
Reached? That’s where anime started. lol
this looks just like Gundam Battle Operation but with loot crates.
everybody has assistants. they might not do any of the work on the manga but they might help him around his office.