
you can customize all of those things you just complained about.

the problem with the motion controls in Skyward Sword and Star Fox Zero is that those games intend for you to play in a very specific way and they don’t do a vary good job of conveying to the player exactly how they want you to play. so alot of people didn’t have good experiences with them. I know from my own time

the first Red Steel can sort of be forgiven for it’s bad controls simply because it was a launch title and the first FPS game on the Wii. but Red Steel 2 was fucking incredible.

for the sword controls sure. but for simply aiming stuff, no.

I had the exact same concerns when Prime 4 was announced. I expect it to control like a traditional modern FPS game but with the Metroid style exploration of the Prime games. I don’t expect it to have lock on anymore as that’s kind of unnecessary with traditional FPS mechanics.

me too. a couple months ago I booted up Metroid Prime Trilogy in preparation for Samus Returns and I was having a blast playing with the Wii remote. and atleast once a year I playthrough RE4 on the Wii.

I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure Revelations on the 3DS and Mercenaries 3D did have motion controls. but this type of motion controls don’t really work as well when you have to look at a screen on the device that you’re moving around. although it did work fine in Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask.

I really enjoy the motion control aiming that Nintendo’s been doing lately. (Skyward Sword, Splatoon, Star Fox Zero, and Splatoon 2) but it’s nowhere near as accurate or precise as the infrared light gun technology used in the Wii remote. (Metroid Prime Trilogy, The Conduit, The Conduit 2, Red Steel 2, Call of Duty:

just a reminder that the Switch is region free.

that’s still kind of a waste of money because even with the xp boosters your xp gain is still going to be throttled.

that’s the way I see it.

yep. ^_^

but in practice it’s annoying as fuck. Borderlands did Destiny before Bungie did Destiny and Borderlands did it better.

Please show me where Bungie ever said “all events and all kills always get the same xp, we will never throttle anything”.

and yet you say this to someone else..............

again they were throttling XP gain without telling anybody.

on fire.

I played through the Beta on multiple consoles. I haven’t bought either Destiny game and I really don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything. there’s barely any story, the gameplay is pretty standard FPS fare aside from the really stupid raid bosses that require your whole party to solve puzzles while getting shot

I’m the same way. so many people left Bungie after Reach that I just didn’t care what they did next.