
it’s very rare and Japan exclusive.

and maybe this means they’re gonna remake 0079.

yes and it had online voice and video chat.

You can laugh/make bad “want to feel OLD” jokes if you want, but these kids are growing up with superior user interfaces.

I had mods that turned all but Soldier and Demoman into women.

I had mods that turned nearly all of the characters into women. if Valve wont do it then fans will.

when I was still playing TF2 I had mods that turned every character into a woman except for Soldier and Demoman. I was never able to find mods for those two.

I know what you mean. too much porn, not enough SFW pictures.

I know what you mean. too much porn, not enough SFW pictures.

I think we have time. ^_^

Now playing

did you even watch it? the producer literally says that the Wachowski’s forced him to watch Ghost in the Shell as an example of what they wanted to do with the movie and then the video shows a side by side comparison of both movies.