me too.
me too.
I completely agree.
well if you wanna talk about movies copied by anime...............
sure but I still hate it. I prefer literally any of the other costumes in the game more than the default one.
like I said the Wachowskis aren’t very good at creating their own material but they are good at adapting other people’s material.
Not in the new games the first reboot is more about survival
there are so many movies and TV shows based on comics and novels. as an example Die Hard, Forrest Gump, and Jurassic Park. all of them are movies based on books. as another example the TV show the Unit and the TV show Rizzoli & Isles are both based on books. but if you asked most people they probably had no idea.
while we’re on the topic of movie adaptations by The Wachowskis you should also check out the movie Cloud Atlas. The Wachowskis might not be very good at making their own original content but they’re really good at adapting other works into movies.
Copying art into a different form of art just doesn’t work, or if it does it is a one in a thousand chance lucky break.
I’ve never seen one that held a candle to the original.
you’re welcome. ^_^
I totally agree, too skinny.
but isn’t that the case in almost all of the games?
well there are still people who don’t get the TV series. anybody who was an awkward teenager in high school at the time they saw that show can probably relate alot more than most people.
looks like young Lara. likely from a flashback in one of the first five games. it’s been a while since I played those.