
the 1/100 Vidar is a really good kit. ^_^

he ain’t got nothing on my BlueFox. ^_^

awesome. ^_^

so you’re saying the SNES isn’t the successor to the NES? also last I checked the SNES Classic is releasing almost 1 year after the NES Classic. seems pretty similar.

awesome! the 1/100 IBO kits are really good. my favorites being the Barbatos kits, Kimaris Trooper, and Vidar. if you can try and get those in 1/100.

the SNES classic literally comes out in two weeks.

you’re welcome. ^_^

Now playing

you should watch the Build Fighters GM’s Counterattack OVA, it’s on YouTube. it takes place between Build Fighters and Try.

yep. ironic glitch for an ironic title.

foreign students studying amine

this is a major side effect of doing annual franchises. it’s why sports games are dirt cheap on every platform.

ditto what ENDG4MER said.

I completely agree.

sounds like hell.

I got my pre-order. I’m not planning on selling it.