
you’ll see a poster of a large, bloated demon with that seems to be several naked or barely-clad women cavorting about its groin.

I had a feeling something like this was gonna happen. fans took the initiative to remake the original Half-Life as Black Mesa when Valve chose not to, so it just makes sense that fans would also take the initiative to make Half-Life 2: Episode 3 when Valve chose not to.

and being able to play Metal Gear Solid with better graphics on a Dreamcast is awesome!

yeah it is. I feel like FF8 doesn’t get nearly as much love as it deserves.

Now playing

my favorite walking simulator is E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy. though unlike most walking simulators E.Y.E features alot more shooting but it also feature that same gimmick of Cameron’s game where the ending just leads right back to the beginning of the game in an endless loop.

it’s one of those games that’s better when you actually know what you’re suppose to be doing.

I was just thinking about this game earlier today while I was making lunch. I wanted to look it up and see if anything new had surfaced about it but I couldn’t remember the title. I’m honestly surprised that somebody managed to find a working build of the game and that it wasn’t all a hoax.

this is fucking awesome!

you’re very welcome. ^_^

actually that’s not the case. there are two GFs you can get that allow you to access literally any shop in the world remotely.

any particular reason? I’m almost done with the game and I’m loving it.

try the PC version on Steam. there are alot of added features that make the combat really easy. and with steams built in controller configuration function it’s really easy to get a controller working on the game.

I’m finishing my first playthrough of Final Fantasy 8, I’m at the very end of Disc 3. and I’m also doing my second playthrough of Final Fantasy 12 on the PS4.

it worked for the Black Mesa team. it’s now an official Half-Life game and the developers are making money from it on Steam.

so now that we have pretty much all of the story details I bet a group of dedicated fans will band together and turn this into an actual game similar to Black Mesa. the fans do what Valve isn’t willing to do themselves.

definitely play Zero first.

me too. ^_^

it’s a really good channel. ^_^

Grand Theft Auto Online’s next major update is about helping Trevor’s son build a smuggling empire.