
it’s not the new Second Life unless it’s full of pornographic content.

well that sucks. I absolutely loved the older suits, they look way better.

I have the PS2 chainsaw controller. the PS2 version of RE4 is garbage and the controller isn’t very comfortable so it just sits on my shelf in the box looking badass.

I also forgot to mention that the Chaos Emeralds are the Dragon Balls and Silver the Hedgehog is Future Trunks.

I guess shitty video out and blurry textures is the new retro. although I suppose it always was.

Now playing

in regards to Firefly....................

I noticed something interesting while replaying Final Fantasy 12..........

Sonic and Dragon Ball Z are pretty much the same.

And that’s simply boneheaded and bad business,

of course they can. but they don’t want to.


that’s what I was thinking. the update might not be live on PS4 yet.

no. Naked camo is standard issue.

are you sure you have the update?

yep. ^_^

the Metal Gear franchise has a long history of sexy female characters.

the new swim suits are pretty cool too.

isn’t Fate/Stay Night also available as just a normal novel too?