
yeah but that’s not the same thing. this is a movie that’s going to be released world wide. the menu at McDonalds in Japan is only going to be available to people in Japan which is why the menu is different.

the Death Note movies were also pretty good live-action anime adaptations. and last I checked Warner Brothers was still Warner Brothers.

it’s probably made of wood and covered in foil, then made to look like a real sword in post.

in case you couldn’t tell from the trailer this movie is being produced by Warner Brothers. I’m pretty sure they have enough money.

let me ask you this then. which version of Ghost in the Shell do you like the most? you clearly don’t like adaptations of any kind because “they forego many of the original’s most interesting ideas for diluted, conformist, and pathetically tacked-on ideas designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator.” so I’m

that was one of my favorite things about the Death Note movies. they got the English cast of the anime to reprise their roles for the English dub of the live-action movies.

Even under the best of circumstances, remakes often communicate precisely the same ideas to me as the original.

There is absolutely no reason for me to do so, as I have already seen the anime. Why would I watch a rehash of something that I have already seen?

yeah since the first AC game pretty much all of Ubisoft’s major franchises take place in the same shared universe.

Now playing

the connections between Watchdogs and Assassin’s Creed are pretty cool.

it’s really not hard to figure out. Breath of the Wild references every single game in the series at one point or another so it’s pretty clear that the three split timelines have converged together to form a single timeline.

this was actually the first Final Fantasy game I ever played. I just wasn’t really interested in RPGs until after I beat Tales of Symphonia so I picked up FF12. I never finished FF12 though but I might have to back to it since this remaster is coming out.

I’m still waiting for the day when they just do a full on modern day Assassin’s Creed game.

I must not have read that one.

yeah hopefully Origins has more and better modern day stuff.

it just seems like that plot went nowhere after AC4, the reveal of that guy in modern day was pretty cool and then after that they really didn’t do anything with it. I like all of the modern day stuff but the those parts of the games are rarely as interesting as the parts that take place in ancient times.

well remember her baby sitter was Squirrel Girl so she has some pretty good role models. ^_^

Bucky took over after Steve “died” at the end of Civil War, Sam took over after Steve got old, and Danielle is future Captain America.