
"You know, maybe we could all learn a thing or two from those sandwiches." -Ice King

The case was dismissed and he and the girl were together for a time after until they mutually decided to end it.

He wasn't fired for the domestic troubles. He was cleared of the charges. The radio station switched formats and he remained on contract for 2 years until he volunteered to end the contract so he could get back on the air for the Eagle.

And making more money than ever.

I second Heavyarms but I also like Tallgeese II. The blue and white, the sword and shield, awesome.

Maybe it is just the way I shop. Normally when I go shopping for something I go for specific item or items. If I am looking at jeans, it doesn't matter how much jackets cost, I'm looking for jeans. Now I normally pay around $20 for jeans and have usually been happy with that quality at that price so I get that I may

Why would anchoring work with two vastly different products? $500 for this tablet or $200 for that tablet I can understand, but $200 for this jacket or $25 for these jeans are two separate categories and I would treat them as such.

See, when it came out M. was directing Avatar I was ok with that because I thought he was only directing not writing, which I thought would be fine. I didn't fine out he wrote it until just before the movie opened. At that point I didn't care to see the movie. This however, looks interesting in an "Outlander" kind of

Maybe you just have better hearing than I do. Regardless I think the dubbing in the vid was really well done.

Acctually it is a little sad I don't pay more attention to the authors I read. If I get just the one book by them I have a good chance of forgetting their name. Of course they are always there on my shelves.

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MST3K has got you covered. Big McLargeHuge!!!!!

Then you must have watched a different movie than I did. There were several scenes in the theater where it was hard to understand Bane. And his was the only character like that. I even understood everything Batman said in his throaty voice.

Wow, that is very sad that some guys made a vid where Bane was more coherent than in the movie and it sounds like that got it pretty spot on.

Is it somehow wrong to just come out and say "It was an unpopular series brought over by a new writer from his previous site that we will be discontinuing because the vocal majority of the community dislikes it because reasons. Blood was shed. Lives were ruined. Families destroyed. We must never speak of this again."

That's the thing. Unless the author comes out and says yes or no, that the book is meant to satire or a commentary of modern society or technology or war or whatever, you will never really know unless they make it blatantly obvious. But if there is no definitive answer and the author is popular then people will argue

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When people bring up sexist and racist words I like to do a gentle reminder that it it the context and the asshole saying the words that is what you have to look for. I don't use racist or sexist language (except in a joking manner with close friends who give as good as they take) because I know it is hurtful to the

Really? I thought this ep was a fine, middle of the road venture. Humor might have fallen flat in a few places, I don't remember right now, but I didn't think the execution was terrible. The only part I didn't care fore was the clumsy way they brought in Helper for Hire woman that has come in a few eps now. Finch

Is it really smart to insult a large portion of your viewers in the first paragraph of your post? I mean are we really going to go for the stereotypical male wolfhound image of men's jaws dropping to the floor when they see a great pair of breasts? Is that all men really are? I can appreciate a great pair just as I

I shouldn't be miffed, but most of the SG teams consisted of Air Force, though there were some Marine teams. And there weren't space Marines. There were just soldiers. Doing the job.

There isn't enough water on Earth to flood every bit of the land. If there was, there would be too much water vapor in the air for any animal to breath.