
I wonder if it is also a matter of how much information the individual has. Is "Get Lucky" the song of summer 2013 because it is that good, or is it because as I drive to and from downtown I hear it played on 5 different stations? If people only experience things A, B and C, but never know about D, then perception of

Off to be the Wizard by Scott Meyer. Ok, so it is a cheat because it is actually about a person who finds file that proves the universe is really a computer simulation, gets in trouble using it and escapes to Medieval England to pretend to be a wizard. But it is a fun read anyway.

I made a personal rule after playing through Tenchu: Stealth Assassins start to finish with the guide. Since then I must complete a game at least once before I look through a guide. Now I have made a few exceptions for games that have stumped me and I have spend hours without any progress. Also with Binding of Issac

May I through in that Will Wight's second novel is coming out this August? His first novel House of Blades is a really good read. You can find it on Kindle. The second is titled The Crimson Vault.

See! look at that. Way more stable.

When I see people spending lots of money on this stuff I wonder why do they so badly want to replicate a human first try? Why not try something with four legs to make it stable but still fits in human sized spaces?

I don't want to be a nay-sayer here because I'm a big stupid dummy when it comes to a lot of things government. However, if I am reading the info on the link right the US has made 3,211 requests for things to be taken down in 3 years. Out of all the data that passes through Google 3 thousand things have be asked to be

I have a personal liking for Zatoichi's cane sword. Deceptive and simple in design but oh so deadly in Ichi's hands.

I almost don't want to say because as I look back on it now it seems like it was a dumb story. It was Invitation to the Game by Monica Hughes. I remember a scene where the guys were lighting a signal fire and the grass was too dry to light and they had to pee on it to get it lit. Even my 6th grade self was saying

I thought it was a crime to destroy or deface money? Then again there are those penny stamp machines.

Based on current technology and tech of the near future we may have to deal with small crews in which case the crew selection would have to be very carefully considered. After a time I suspect our tech will get to the point where we will have crews of hundreds or thousands in which case I think we will do fine. In the

Am I the only one that saw Tony blowing up his suits as him giving up his obsession rather than him retiring. The Avengers movie had Tony (a "mechanic" as he describes himself, not a trained soldier) facing things he hadn't seen and couldn't prepare for. So during his PTSD fueled sleepless nights he tried to come up

What is this from? I don't recognize it.

Alexia, because she would probably appreciate it.

I like the maps at the beginning of each of the Septimus Heap books. Each map shows the areas the book takes place. Gives a sense of scale to the world.

While we are in the era of remakes and reboots, can we get a new Last Starfighter movie? Maybe a new Robot Jox?

While I was reading the book I used Hugo Weaving's voice for The Gentleman with the Thistle-down Hair. Seemed to work out well.

The silver and blue looks like the guy from FF Tactics, doesn't it? Was that intentional or a happy accident?

I have thought about this before when I have seen projects go way beyond their goal. Is there no option to end stop taking donations once the goal has been reached? For some projects getting as money as possible is good, but for something like this it has turned into a shitstorm. I mean would anyone have said anything

It may seem hypocritical, but I bet they are looking to sue only because it is an antipiracy site using the logos. If it was some small torrent site TPB might not care, but an antipiracy group is using TPB's own material to attack them.