
Because of the lack of accidents or because when one does happen there will be no one actually behind any wheel?

I am only guessing, but I think I would get more adventurous if I didn't age. I'm only 28 and I am already selective in what movies, TV, books, games, etc., that I will pick up and consume. Sure that is only entertainment, but what about knowledge and skill? I chose to major in English in college because I wanted to

Electric City? Big O! It's showtime!

While we are doing all the remakes of old movies, can we get a new Robot Jox? And a new Last Starfighter as well? I think these would be two movies that would be great summer blasts that would be hard to really fuck up.

So does anyone want to come up with character classes and stats for the Avengers in DnD? I always enjoy those.

First I would like to say I do not like this new comment system.

Sign me up for the Tank Police, Sir!

I have read Beloved in school. While beautifully written it is something I will never read again. That could be said for almost everything on that list.

I'm left handed and grew up with arcades. Switching the stick and buttons around is not going to be of any use to me, that is not how I learned to play. While there are many accommodations in products nowadays for lefties, this still mainly a right handers world and suddenly switching something around that has been

But what do you do about the people of mixed races? I don't know about you, but I am a mutt of Native America, and about 8 European countries, just that I know about. What about people of Asian-American origins, or African mixed with European, or every other mix out there? I'm not pointing this out to be facetious,

You could live well into your 70s, if you survived past infancy, being killed by animals or each other, and didn't get any injures or diseases that were hard to survive from without medical care. But it is ok, we have doctors now.

As someone pointed out in the comments below, our pre-farm ancestors lived well into their 70s. The average lifespan gets skewed because of very high infant mortality rates. We have doctors for that now.

As someone pointed out in the comments below, our pre-farm ancestors lived well into their 70s. The average lifespan gets skewed because of very high infant mortality rates. We have doctors for that now.

Now playing

Yay, I can contribute something meaningful! This is a clip from Fathead a documentary that started Tom Naughten the creator) on a no-carb diet. His blog is interesting too.

If the Repubs all get blond hair, blue eyes, and IQs of 150+ there won't be an internet for you to find the archives. Politicians will always be politicians, no matter their intelligence. Not to just hate on the right, I don't think too much good would come out of the Dems either.

Ah, so this week is full of rainbows and unicorns, eh?

First, I want to say that actual, physical rape is a black mark on humanity and is one of the evils that should always be combated, but because humans are flawed creatures, may never be truly eradicated, though we should never stop trying.

I feel like such an idiot. I will schedule the flogging at 3:30.

I would like to see Wolf be given command of a Klingon ship as part of a larger task force defending the empire from some outside threat. Make it some kind of enemy the warrior-minded Klingons would have trouble fighting but Wolf, having been in Starfleet for so many years, would have some kind of insight on how to

I would have like Sam and Dean having to hunt Bobby down like other ghosts. Spend a whole episode on it and how it tortures them that they have to hunt down the man that was their second father and that they are not sure if it is him or the shell of the man they knew. Have Bobby kill some people before he has a moment