
I still have my copy of Chrono Cross. I should really finish it one day...oh look, a bunny!

I like the idea of Touch about a world built on math, and a father and son fixing other peoples problems in order to realign the world, or whatever, but they really beat the number thing into the ground. Instead of the monster of the week it is the number of the week. Instead of the awesome show it could be it is only

Ok, being on NBC does not give me a lot of hope. However, I thought that was a pretty good trailer, and I like Eric Kripke. Still looks like they ripped The Change novels though.

No one might want to visit the island now, but radioactive material stays radioactive for a very long time. The environment above will probably change many times before that spent fuel is safe.

That might actually go both ways. There are plenty of people that do far more work than what they are being paid. Imaging being able to take you eyecam to some kind of union rep of HR and have the clout to negotiate a higher wage.

Someone may have said this but I imagine what is going to happen is we are going to get Iron man 3, Cap 2, Thor 2, maybe some other avenger will get a movie. There will be a crossover thead that will span all the movies leading to the Avengers 2. At the end of the last movie, maybe the end credits, as a teaser for A2,

Well, it is hot enough down here, but I don't think it would be fair. Most of Texas is better armed than Arnold.

Yeah, the wait will be hard, but making something with your own hands is always rewarding. I have looked up some sites and youtube channels that show meadmaking and different flavors you can add. I'm thinking of getting maybe 4 3-gallon carboys and trying out different fruits and different amounts of honey. I'm just

I'm looking into making my own mead. The supplies are relatively cheap and mostly reusable. The most expensive single part of the brew is the honey. Also, mead is pretty hard to mess up as long as you have everything properly sanitized and can follow a simple recipe and basic instructions.

Dressing as a man? You mean jeans and a t-shirt? Boots? Women can't really crossdress because what men wearis pretty much just general clothes these days. Unless she was going around with one of those gender-play strap-ons and I'd say if you get a chick that likes to stuff rubber in her pants she probably would be

Now playing

I don't know about a game tied to a series. series take breaks during and between seasons where mmos go 24/7. How can the game influence the show when the show does not progress at the same speed as the game?

To be fair, I checked it out because it had been hyped by someplace, I forget where, that it was a dating-sim, fan-of-the-genre type game. If someone had just made a non animated, text and picture movie, where I have to click for every change in dialog, I probably would have passed and missed out on a great thing.

I noticed the lady because she is center frame and the largest object in the pic. It could have been a guy, or it could have been a penguin, I still would have noticed them first before the tiny, tiny knife he/she/it was carrying.

It is just us more creative people can see how easy it is to manipulate the less creative people in the world to do our bidding. *laughs maniacally*

Guys do go around shirtless and it is not always pretty. What else you said is dead on.

The visual novels that have many, many branching paths and multiple endings where your choices really direct the outcome, I totally would call a game. Katawa Shoujo had an excellent story (made me cry in a few places) but most choices didn't seem to matter past the shared story opener before you choose a girl to

I would watch that in full Klingon. Lines of Klingon warriors on Qo'noS fighting with bat'leths, Braveheart style. It would be epic.

While we are at it, could we get someone to make a good pitch for a Klingon ST movie? I think Klingons are popular enough to get their own movie. Set it at the height of the war with the Federation or something. Glory to the empire!

And thus did the Wise Ones give of themselves so that the universe could live...

Do me just one favor notch. Hire an artist. I am OK with the default minecraft as it has always been like that and there is a healthy community of texture pack makers. But for your new game, please hire someone who knows more than you.