
I play less games than I did 10 years ago and the quality of games I play has gone up as well. Games like Minecraft and Terraria are thinking games that take time and planning and sometimes organizing my friends to really get full enjoyment out of them. Mortal Kombat was fun back in the day, but I was never really

That is what I said when I saw it! They should just jump in one of the spare agent rooms and git it over with!....er, wait, roll it back....Yeah, HG should have put the bubble around the bomb. I guess the out was HG said she hoped the field would protect them so I guess it was up in the air weather a shield around the

I saw Hammer as an enabler for Vanko and a kind of opposite. Vanko I think is one of modern movies best villains just for the fact that he just goes straight for the kill at first. For him is was an act of vengeance. No talking, no plotting Stark's downfall in great detail. He just went for it. Sure his missed, but

Ok, I would dislike it if anyone used this to cheat with if I was playing against them online, but some of the features are really cool. There are still games that do not let you remap you buttons the way you want them instead giving you several button layouts but not free control. I would love to be able to remap the

If you switch it to HeinekenI will volunteer to start the bottle collection.

Well, now I will be able to sleep at night.

Of course people that embarrassed easily are more liked and trusted. We are horrible at telling lies even if we wanted too and we usually don't mind playing the dancing monkey.

Some good points. I would argue that for the time being using cars and getting supplies from the future are necessary. They said they have done 10 groups of people over 7 years. I would imagine they are still getting things set up so that they will be totally self-sufficient. Also, they did not show us the whole

That's not going to work. The end of the ep it shows the Moon really close to the Earth and the stars in different positions both of which could be confirmed by an astronomer. That was probably one of the ways they used to tell what general time they were in along with what dinosaurs were running around.

Collective intelligence. We are one step closer to becoming Borg and I for one, for all, welcome us as our overlords.

I don't think the study was actually for immortal humans but theoretical immortal non-technological organisms.

I would say that while I think what the article says is true, immortal humans would be different. Humans are the tool builders and we have adapted to every environment on our planet and given enough time we will adapt to the Moon, Mars and beyond. I think that the problems of an immortal race of humans would be social

Shepard!!!!! I was hoping he was going to be a recurring character, but noooooo, they had to kill him in his second scene.

Well, when Cas was taken over, they did say "we" were the ones driving the Cas boat. So I'm guessing there is more than one leviathan and at some point they are going to go get meat sacks of their own. I don't think it would very interesting otherwise.

Well, it is true and not true. Scientists do like to be proven wrong, but until there is not a shadow of doubt in whatever the new is, then scientists will hold to the old. I'm speaking generally here. However, this is both good and bad. Scientists will not jump ship just because something is new and exciting but some

Yes, we have fine Corinthian leather for your seats. All at an affordable price.

I think that is a bit different. The general lexicon changes from generation to generation, crowd to crowd, men and women. No, "fail" in the dictionary is not a noun, but under slang rules it can be used as such. Same with "epic". Misuse of a word leads to new words which is how languages evolve. Have you ever used

If you make a new movie with a similar idea then you will have legions of fans crying foul if you are not careful. Remakes can be made right, exploring the idea of the original and expanding on the characters without fucking it up, if the creators really care about it. There were remakes, or new movies based on the

My biggest problem with the Death Race remake was everything was painted in different shades of dirt. A big action movie involving cars and guns doesn't half to look like it took place on the set for Junkyard Wars. Just because everything and everyone is covered in grime doesn't mean your movie is a good

I have told my friends several times over the past few years that they needed to remake Last Starfighter and Robot Joxs. If you can get some good writers, that's great but the visuals would be spectacular. And I think you nailed it with Flash Gordon that would help Last Starfighter and maybe Robot Joxs. Make them