
Smart people do dumb things? If you want an in-movie explanation, they probably did not anticipate the aliens having the ability to make and execute escape plans. That is a common, trope I guess is the right word, in 'monster' movies. Even if you plan things out, have contingencies, think you are smarter than the

I think that idea moves dangerously close to "All Good Things..." but I would give it a chance. Not getting a DS9 movie is a great shame for the franchise.

1) College = Great collection of dumb-smart administrators.

Eye warship satin?

You know, funny thing, when they put in grooved ramps at my college on the sidewalks, they also painted them with a bright red paint that made the ramps too slick to walk on when it rained.

That is something Nial deGrasse Tyson brought up. He said that if you look at the total US budget as $1.00, than NASA gets 1/2 a penny. I know financially we are in tough times and spending needs to be reduced (I also think we need to increase revenue, but that is for another time), but I caution cutting programs that

The difference is that PS3 and 360 are not portable systems and they had decent launch games. Granted I can see a future where the 3DS picks up steam and sales rise, games get good and all is forgiven muck like what has happened with the PS3, but that time is far off.

Tablets and netbooks fill a similar role. They are targeted for people that want a machine that can do internet on the go. Netbooks are good also for people who want to get a little work done in office apps and tablets can handle games. It really makes sense in a world of smartphones and an increasingly mobile culture.

The only indie games I have heard commentary from the creators have been Minecraft and Terraria so I can't speak to hipster douchebagery, but to me indie games have been about value vs cost. I have gotten more joy out of most indie games I have played that I payed very little for that I have gotten out of most of my

If that is the case then why don't they just plan for a show to run 3 seasons and be done? Give us a complete storyline, cut out useless filler episodes and focus on characters. I would respect a channel that did that even if the show only lasted 1 season of 24 eps. I don't know why that can't be done in such a way

It would be very meta and tie with the first season ending of a weeding if the first question somehow ends up be the Doctor asking "River Song, will you marry me?" and then everyone on screen and off goes stark silent waiting for an answer.

The word 'genius' does not have to relate directly with intelligence. You can have a genius talent or skill, like you point out.

NASA needs a new PR guy. They should have totally found a group name that fits with HEROS.

To be fair those exo-planets we find are a bit easier to see than the 3 tiny planets that are not near anything bright. I believe the techniques used to find the two types are different and I think we have been working on the tech to fine exo-planets for far longer as well.

A few of these make me think a Firefly cartoon would be awesome. Of course it would have to be for adults, but then cartoons haven't been for children since BatmanTAS.

Looking at lists like this depresses me. It shows me how many good books I still have left to read.

Wouldn't that just be a line?

Did someone say...Tezzeret?

Jon and Colbert and all the people on their show do satire, are opinionated and bias and I don't think they have said otherwise, unless they were making a joke. I think we need people like them however, to point out things that the rest of us might miss and/or other cannot or will not, for whatever reason, talk about.