
It would be very meta and tie with the first season ending of a weeding if the first question somehow ends up be the Doctor asking "River Song, will you marry me?" and then everyone on screen and off goes stark silent waiting for an answer.

The word 'genius' does not have to relate directly with intelligence. You can have a genius talent or skill, like you point out.

NASA needs a new PR guy. They should have totally found a group name that fits with HEROS.

To be fair those exo-planets we find are a bit easier to see than the 3 tiny planets that are not near anything bright. I believe the techniques used to find the two types are different and I think we have been working on the tech to fine exo-planets for far longer as well.

A few of these make me think a Firefly cartoon would be awesome. Of course it would have to be for adults, but then cartoons haven't been for children since BatmanTAS.

Looking at lists like this depresses me. It shows me how many good books I still have left to read.

Wouldn't that just be a line?

Did someone say...Tezzeret?

Jon and Colbert and all the people on their show do satire, are opinionated and bias and I don't think they have said otherwise, unless they were making a joke. I think we need people like them however, to point out things that the rest of us might miss and/or other cannot or will not, for whatever reason, talk about.

I didn't read the book until after I had saw the movie. The book was fantastic and I don't think I have seen the movie since reading the book.

Do we know exactly what this things look like today? I mean when you are looking at something that is billions of light years across, you are looking a billion years in the past. So that means the shape could be much different that what we see it as, correct?

Now that you mention it, that is a little troublesome to me. It may be the case of a neat idea made by amateurs who might not think of things like that. The trailer does not really show if it will be good or not, but the acting seems like it may be poor. So, it could be a flawed success or good idea poorly executed.

Maybe with some sweet deals for Jell-o?

They also do not get invited to those kind of parties.

If they put an Alien game on the WiiU how cool would it be to have the touch screen as the motion sensor? I'm also thinking of remote cameras that can be put up and you can watch them from your little screen. The applications are numerous but I don't know if the system will do well enough to see them all.

I think I have said all but 7 and 5. I may have said 5 I don't remember any specifics. And I have 1 on a button. I also think I was once body-slammed after saying 4.

The Ico and Shadow games I will allow because they were beautiful games and will look great in HD.

What kind of cake is it, exactly?

Unless the pre-order is an actual Cap shield made from vibranium/adamantium alloy I am not buying.