
You say slut like it is a bad thing. Let me remind you of a fact. Your family in the past had to fuck, and fuck a lot, in order to produce the next generation that would eventually lead to you. If a person has 150 facebook friends or a billion twitter followers or even an absurd number in real life popularity is

I was just watching that ep today and was thinking the same thing. If they can not get the same actress they could bring her back after a regeneration. It would totally work!

Or the school could just not be a bunch of dicks. Seniors can be allowed a little leeway as the stress of high school is over for a short time before the stress of collage starts. It's not like they stole a car and burned it on the steps of the high school like the seniors two years before me did or sink a car in the

Man that is an obscure reference. And I just finished collecting all the mangas too.

OMG, that gave Jace guns! To hell with the birds, he's going to mindsculpt with bullets now!

Yes, yes I am. What is wrong with a company being successful? Sure, Sony has done things I did not like, and not every product I have bought from Sony has been of good quality, but I must say that overall I have been very satisfied being a Sony customer.

They could be different from us or they could be similar. We just don't know. We don't even know if a planet just like Earth orbiting another star would inevitably have life on it. Just because a planet orbits a Sun-like star, is in the habitable zone, has a moon, has liquid water on it, does not mean it has to have

I that arm is at such a weird angle, I would bet that it is a remnant of when the Milky Way ate some smaller galaxy.

I think it makes it dance a jig.

And another thing. I know it is two different networks but how does this show last 10 years and The Chicago Code gets canned in its first season?

I really think that at some point in the show they should have just given up on the tights thing and let Smallville exist as a side-step of the Superman mythos. I mean, more than they already have. The show went through pretty much everything that most people know of Superman and then some and I knew that the build up

There are differences between science fiction, fantasy, and science fantasy.

If Peter is wiped from existence then the y are going to explain how everything remained the same. Peter was crucial to many individual episodes and both universes would have been wiped out if had never existed. Or they would have both been totally oblivious to one another. Either way Peter is the focal point.

If he had said Gallifrey I would have believed it...

Ahhh, the genesis for my love of matches....

I still have this one and it is full of win.

This would have been a good choice as well.

Words to live by my friend.

Armor by John Steakley needs to be on that list.