
That's just what I was thinking when I read the first few Dresden books. What's funny i half of the character's problem is he clings to the 'good guy' notion with all his strength and so makes things harder on himself that it has to be. Which is part of the point of the character. But then on the other side of the

I was going off of raw power here. "Only" killing fallen angels makes it seem likely she could wipe the floor with most everyone else on the list, maybe even all of them. After all, when she was fighting the Denarians she was at limited strength because they had her trapped in a spell and they still could not stop

For the obscure, how about the Oracle (aka Ivy) from The Dresden Files? The sum total all human knowledge inside of a 10 year old girl. If my impressions of her from the books are right, she would have powers bordering that of a god or perhaps the fey queens of the novels.

We can haz ZnO cones?


When did this whole thing start? If he paid for this vacation back in November then it may be that he did so when he had the money to do it, before trouble started and he may not be able to get his money back. So in that case why let the money go to waste just because he has a court case coming up.

My parents took me to see Terminator 2 in the theaters. I was 8 and it was the greatest thing ever.

I'm right there with you Lu. My sister spends lots of time, money and effort to buy food that she thinks is better for her. However, she has been sickly the past two years, going to a doctor nearly every month. I can't say all or even most of it is food related but a good portion of it is.

Launch waste into the sun? Thousands of gallons of radioactive waste put on a rocket with thousands of moving parts built by the lowest bidder in the private sector? You really want to take the chance?

When I play FNM tourneys at the shop, the best I hope for is win enough cards to be able to trade for more cards in order to keep playing. I'm not looking to make a whole lot of money, I just want my hobby to help pay something for itself.

If you are good at evaluating cards and decks and follow the tournament reports, you can make a decent amount of money. Last month a new deck called Caw-Go showed up 6 times in the top 8 including taking 1st. One of the rares in that deck was Stoneforge Mystic. It shot up from $10 to $20 the following Monday. Last

How about defeated by the pure awesomeness of rock?! Black Heaven forever! Long live the flying V!

What about those of use that switch back and forth with our hands? I am not truly ambidextrous, I write with my left which makes me left-handed and I am left-eye dominate. However, I am right-footed and shoot pool right-handed. I can use scissors and other tools with fine precision equally with both hands just not

Never knew the trilogy had another ending. Speaking of which, didn't Lucas mention something sometime in the last year about wanting to make more Star Wars movies? I only mention because I want Plinkett to do more reviews.

We need a nerd disney princess.

The reason why you have happy endings in scifi and fantasy stories, especially movies, is these are on a base level adventure stories and mostly that are used as escapism. Thought provoking, entertaining, even deep, but escapism still.

All pirates are thieves.

-In case of emergency, jiggle the Heisenberg compensator.

...And God said, let there be Astroglide!