
If you are good at evaluating cards and decks and follow the tournament reports, you can make a decent amount of money. Last month a new deck called Caw-Go showed up 6 times in the top 8 including taking 1st. One of the rares in that deck was Stoneforge Mystic. It shot up from $10 to $20 the following Monday. Last

How about defeated by the pure awesomeness of rock?! Black Heaven forever! Long live the flying V!

What about those of use that switch back and forth with our hands? I am not truly ambidextrous, I write with my left which makes me left-handed and I am left-eye dominate. However, I am right-footed and shoot pool right-handed. I can use scissors and other tools with fine precision equally with both hands just not

Never knew the trilogy had another ending. Speaking of which, didn't Lucas mention something sometime in the last year about wanting to make more Star Wars movies? I only mention because I want Plinkett to do more reviews.

We need a nerd disney princess.

The reason why you have happy endings in scifi and fantasy stories, especially movies, is these are on a base level adventure stories and mostly that are used as escapism. Thought provoking, entertaining, even deep, but escapism still.

All pirates are thieves.

-In case of emergency, jiggle the Heisenberg compensator.

...And God said, let there be Astroglide!

Acording the that "How Beer Saved the Worlds" show on Discovery or History , I forget which, beer is as old as farming.

I almost wanted to see a dragon, but having them take human form actually fits with some stories of dragons in that they can shapeshift. Of course many thing in the show look like humans for the ease of it, but I like that in this instance it seem to fit better.

@rorkimaru: There are a few really nice HD textures for minecraft but none that look that good. And the better the texture pack the more it lags the game, I think.

@Interstella5555: Look at Transformer 1 and especially 2. After seeing 1, why would anyone spend money on the second.

@workman: If they put BC back into the PS# then people would but the more expensive machine to play ps2 games as well as buy ps3 games. I know I would have.

That set is just a few blinking lights and three switches away from being better than some actual TV sets.

Because they move on the diagonal squares and the knights will never see them coming.

"What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his tau is is clearly a man to be reckoned with."

Well, then what is open? Forever in all dimensions, even ones we can't perceive? And where does the idea of multiple universes work in here?