
I'm a weird one. I am left-eye dominant, right-footed, and near ambidextrous. I can do most everything equally well with both hands but I write with my left (which technically make me a lefty) but shoot pool with my right. And I am the only lefty in the family that I know of.

@rtwod2: I think if we did not take measures to stop kudzu it would spread rapidly and far, then die out after suffocating everything else. But the important thing is we control it. Unless Life After People comes true that is.

If you start changing details to a story you start to make it another story. I want to be a writer and lets say I get a story published this year that makes reference to things of the past few years. Technology, movies, music, politics, etc. If I was asked if my story could be put into a collection 20 years from now,

I don't think I'm an asshole or the best. I generally know my limitations but if I see someone at fault I will either call them out on it (if they are don't something dangerous or asshole-ish) or I will try to be helpful and show them where they are going wrong (if I know how to do it myself).

@CMW89: Yeah, BMI is deceptive sometimes. Using BMI, George Clooney is overweight.

Hey, I have that Zelda game and watch! Still works too, last time I put batteries in it.

@adamshaftoe: You, Sir, win 1 universe of your choice.

@bakana: Ha, ha! Saturday Anime was awesome. The first anime I saw on there was Gall Force: Eternal Story. My mine was blown that day.

The only thing I really like of the show is the idea of the Cape character himself. The spider silk cape is not too much more than what has been done in other places and I could see some of what he does with it as actually working, to an extent. Compared to the magic-tech the Cape is believable. And being trained by

In all seriousness, I predict (because I can look at a chart and guess with the best of them) that we will have a period of difficult finatial times if the over 65 cannot produce for themselves. We could also have a rise of the extended family unit (here in the US at least, I don't know how close the rest of the world

@Møbius: ...can't...stop.....hahahahah!!!!!!!!!

@jbrecken: "And of course, Principal Ghul."

@Marc Higbie: Yeah, a good dog will run all day with you. Of course I can't spend 5 minutes outside playing with my dog without getting tired.

@WFROSE: I wouldn't think so but then I am not a NASA engineer.

One thing to keep in mind is that many of these movies fall closer to the science-fantasy side of the genre and as such are not subject to hard science.

Now playing

Only if the elevator music is the symphony of science.

Out of the movies on the list I have seen I would disagree with Iron Man 2 being on the worst list.